Atorvastatin and sense of taste
One change in my medical treatment is that my doctor has put me on a high dose of atorvastatin. I was on 10 mg for many years, but now I am on 80 mg. It has dawned on me slowly, but I realize my sense of taste is now dulled. I suppose this could possibly be some Covid thing, but my sense of smell doesn't seem obviously…
Annoying headline about weight loss on CNN site
"Weight loss may mean a risk of death for older adults, study shows" I find this common in press coverage of health (and often other science). The result is oversimplified to make a headline that generates clicks and the article barely provides enough information to understand the issues. Early in the article is the quote…
Friday Weigh-In Thread 2-3-2023
How did you do?
Trying new things -- Hop Water
I'm posting this today because Sunday has football, which is often associated with beer, which makes me think of hops. I heard about hop water a couple months ago and have recently begun to try some. These are flavored carbonated water -- no sugar, no alcohol -- with an adult flavor. Lagunitas makes something called Hoppy…