I did this one yesterday and found it not awful! Didn't keep up with Zuzka, I'm sure I remember doing this a few months back and feeling really slow. I was prepared to cut the situps in half if I needed to but I didn't! I always modify the competition burpees (to come up to my knees first) and I did about half of the…
I kind of love these workouts. It's nice to have some structure and time limits. I'm considering making a spreadsheet to do something similar with the ZWOWs.
Sadly I do not have the funds to join a gym or buy more weights and I'm maxed out on my deadlift with the weights I have at the moment. To that end I'm probably going to be calling it quits after I finish stage 2 until I can get some money in, which might not be for a few months. I've really enjoyed this so far and I'm…
I've noticed this while I've been working out. Even though I am definitely right-dominant (my right eye takes the lead, I'm right-handed etc) my left side is stronger. I used to dance and practising almost always consisted of me doing more jumping on my left leg, but I haven't danced for years. I carry my handbag on my…
The dreaded day is done! This is further than I've ever gotten before. So happy!
Anyone else doing this? I just started a couple of days ago, doing the maximum results programme and it is TOUGH. No question. I am so sore, but in the best way. Feel free to add me, we can motivate each other!