Oakhurst skim milk has 407mg of potassium. I bought a gallon of Hood 1% milk at the store the other night, and potassium is n/a'd or zero. Why is this? Is it that they dont track it with Hood? Does all milk have the same general amount of potassium in it? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Heart Rate Monitor's (HRM)
I got a HRM for x-mas this year. I started using it, and was dissapointed with the results. The calories burned are not even close. Example: 55 minutes of vigerous cardio 700 calories burned. My HRM said i burned188 or something. I went through the set-up 3 times, that's not an issue. It just generally sucks. I checked the…
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/s320x320/534316_2178382517121_1773656420 well....it was a pic. lol. i fail at posting pics.
Thai Food Tonight
First time ever..... what should i get, and what's the calorie count going to be?
As we all know... Cardio is king when it comes to losing the weight. Living in the New England area can put a damper on the outside activities in the winter time. So my question is what are some of the things you guys are doing to stay commited to your mission? Myself... I do the NFL Training Camp on the Wii, and i lift…
Dinner Recipes
What do you have that you love to make? Looking for some good recipes to make up a weeks worth of dinner. Low Sodium if you have 'em, if not....that's fine too. Just looking to make a looooooong list.
Heart Rate Monitor's (HRM)
I got a HRM for x-mas this year. I started using it, and was dissapointed with the results. The calories burned are not even close. Example: 55 minutes of vigerous cardio 700 calories burned. My HRM said i burned188 or something. I went through the set-up 3 times, that's not an issue. It just generally sucks. I checked the…