Hey - I've been looking to increase my metabolism and calorie intake for quite some time now. I feel like my metabolism has gotten to a point where I am plateaued and gain/don't lose weight at a stupidly low intake even while exercising every day. This is not sustainable, but I'd really like to hear any success stories…
I'm working on increasing the amount of fat I'm taking in (specifically virgin coconut oil), I'm having a hard time watching my daily calories go up so quickly. Does anyone have success stories they can share about benefits they experienced from incorporating more [obviously healthy] fats into their diet? Thanks!
Yesterday was my first day back at college for the spring semester, and in our Chem class the professor gave the usual lab safety spiel. He told us that if we spilled chemicals on ourselves we'd have to strip down entirely naked and get right into the high-pressure shower that is in the corner of the lab in full view of…
I'm just curious: what is everyone planning on dressing up as for Halloween? Or what are some of your favorite costumes that you've had in the past? (photos welcome!) Also, does your recent weight loss, or lack there of, affect what you're choosing to be for Halloween?