What are we great for? Happy Thanksgiving
Hello All, Just wanted to wish each one of you a Happy Absitent Thanksgiving. Also to see what everyone is greatful for and to get people to start sharing. I will get the ball rolling I am greatful for 1. my partner of 8 years, 2. My beautiful dog Stymie 3 Clean bill of helath 4. Medical Insurance 5. My job with At T 6. OA…
I am the disease
This is just something I found on the net please feel free to share or post things that are 12 step oriented or OA Literature with readings you would like to share with the group. Hope to make this fun and helpful too. Hello, I am your disease I Hate meetings...I Hate higher powers...I Hate anyone who has a program. To all…
12 Steps to a better holiday
Twelve Steps to a Better Holiday Season 1. We admitted the holiday season has a deeper meaning than devouring food. 2. We came to believe a power greater than ourselves could help us see and celebrate the true meaning of the season. 3. We came to believe our Higher Power could help us appreciate the joyfulness of the…
Serenity Prayer Food OA
The Serenity Prayer for Food Users “God, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” * Selected from text written by Reinhold Neibuhr - 1926 God, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change... As food users, we cannot change our…
Daily Meditations
From For Today December 2nd Is it impossible to hurry some things. If I am abstinent, I will lose weight. If I push and shove and spin my wheels, it is only an appearance of activity that accomplishes nothing. When I want a defect removed before it times, when I want more growth, when I want things to go my way, I remember…
the Parking Lot
Good Morning, Do you ever wake up or are a night time eater and wish there was a meeting at 2 am. Well I have an answer for you its called the parking lot. It is an all addiction meeting that runs from 1:00 am to 6:30 EST. It is ran by a very nice lady who is very knowledge and works her own program. There are usually five…
Is this motivation
So question how would this make you feel if your partner walks in to the room and says have you weighed lately? So he says I gave him a dirty look and than he cusses at me and than when I finally answer him the next words out of his mouth is so how much have you gained as you have not been doing any exercise? How would…
Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.
Acceptance And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation - some fact of my life - unacceptable to me and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at…
What Does OA have to offer
What does OA offer? We offer unconditional acceptance and support through readily available OA meetings, which are self-supported through voluntary contributions. We in OA believe we have a threefold illness - physical, emotional and spiritual. Tens of thousands have found that OA's Twelve-Step program effects recovery on…
12 Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous
The Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous 1.Our common welfare should come first, personal recovery depends on OA unity. 2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. 3. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern. 4. The only…
Digital scale or Wi Fit which is better
Hey All, What type of scale is better to weigh on I have a digital scale and it shows one weight but when I do wi fit and have it measure my weight it has a different weight. So far I went with the digit scale just wondering if anyone knows which one is more accurate?
Birthdays and Celebrations
Hello All, I have been doing well but its my birthday today but I am stil trying to make wise choices and not eat my trigger foods. But am going to try to make wiser choices tomorrow. As I am going to applebees for lunch and than a pizza place for dinner. But am going to try to exercise a little more as I am not that far…
Birthdays and Holidays
Hello All, I have been doing well but its my birthday today but I am stil trying to make wise choices and not eat my trigger foods. But am going to try to make wiser choices tomorrow. As I am going to applebees for lunch and than a pizza place for dinner. But am going to try to exercise a little more as I am not that far…
Eat well on your birthday
Birthdays and Holidays
Hello All, I have been doing well but its my birthday today but I am stil trying to make wise choices and not eat my trigger foods. But am going to try to make wiser choices tomorrow. As I am going to applebees for lunch and than a pizza place for dinner. But am going to try to exercise a little more as I am not that far…
New from Augusta Ga
Hello I love the saying ODAT and loved the tv show. My name is Larry I am almost 41 years old will be next Monday the 22nd. Just wanted to say hi. I live in Augusta GA. I have a partner of eight years and a four legged kid name Stymie. I have been following my poe for the last 3 days and that is awesome for me and I don t…