Monday, Jan. 2. 1012
Happy New Year everyone!!! 10 burpees (these are HARD!! lol) 100 crunches 3 min jogging in place slowly.
Monday, December 9, 2012
combination of walking, jogging and running 3 miles in 45 min. sore, tired but happy!!!
Sunday, Dec. 11th
My goals for today. 3 miles, 15 leg bridges, 100 crunches, 5 frogs & 50 ankle on the knee. Have to look these up as well. :) Heather
Saturday, Dec. 10th
Hi, This is my goal for today 3 mile walk, 3 sets of split squats, 8 leg beats & 50 leg curls Have to look some of these up still lol Have a great weekend everyone!!! Heather
December 2....Its Friday!!! yay!!
Good morning, I completed 3 sets of 20 wood chops & 40 globe jumps this morning. Anyone know how to do globe jumps and keep your balance? Almost ended up on my head a couple of times. lol. Enjoy your day :D
Thursday, December 1
Hi everyone :) did 100 crunches and 10 mermaids. I'm not as sore as I thought I would be. Have a great day :D
Veggie Straws
Hi, my friend recommended Veggie Straws as a way to get my daughter to eat more vegetables. I have not tried them yet but want to get some. Was thinking this would be a good snack for work as well. Has anyone tried them? Anyone have an opinion on flavor? Likes or dislikes? Would welcome the input.
Carbs and Fiber
I read something awhile back about when you calculate your carbs you are supposed to subtract the amount of fiber if any to get your true #. Ex. total carbs 10g - Fiber 2g =8g Carbs. Has anyone heard of this? I will have to research it again.
Walking a mile..
Does anyone know how to calculate calories burned while walking a mile? i can log that i walked for a certain time at a slow, moderate, brisk, etc. pace. Is there a way to log by distance?
Emotional Eating.. :(
I was doing so well today, then got upset with daughter. Of course went right to the pizza that they had for dinner and had the last slice. My dinner was a sandwich with carrots and apples. I am still within the calorie points but that is not the point. Emotional eating is going to be my hardest obstacle to overcome.