Stopping riding / spinning does weight go back on?
Hello All, Just a quick one for all of you two wheelers out there. I was religiously going spinning twice a week and also riding to work until I feel ill a few weeks ago. I was told that spinning is bad for you because when you stop all of your weight goes onto your thighs and backside. I was told that from a gym…
Beachbody Insanity - Calories burnt???
Hello All, Just a quick one. I have just invested in the beachbody insanity DVDS but I'm not sure what to log it as, and I can't see anything in the database. Does anyone know roughly how many calories you burn? I dont have a HRM to help me. Rough ideas would be helpful. Thanks
P90X? Can someone tell me about it??
Hi guys, Just a quick one. I've read about loads of you doing this P90X and want to know more about it? I've had a look on the net and there seem to be loads of different versions and trainers. Can anyone recommend one or give me any info about it. I've seen the beachbody one and abs one but I just dont know were to start.…
Hit a stumbling block - advise and help needed
Hi Guys, I've not come on for a big moan just need a bit of help. I started back in August and things were going well with diet and exercise. But since I had a bike accident on the way to work and problems with my neck and back, I just seem to have stopped losing weight and lost motivation a bit I know the xmas period…
Cauliflour Ideas please
So I realised last night that cauliflour is good for upping the calorie intake without the fat etc... But How do I make it exciting???? I steamed it last night and it took me over half an hour to eat it with my gammon - a painful experience but I'm willing to keep trying it. All ideas welcome!!!
Sports Bra..... Anyone know a good one?
Hi guys. I'm in need of a decent sports bra. The ones I've tried (cheap things) just don't do the job and either make me sweat loads or hurt my chest. I'm in the UK, so can anyone recommend a good one. I go running a lot!! Cheers
Legs Bums & Tums
Hi guys, Just a quick question..I've invested in a LBT DVD but I'm trying to find it on the exercise database. Does anyone else do it?...if so does it go under cardio or strength and what is it under? Thanks in advance
Newbie - Confused and in need of advice
Hi Guys, New to this site and loving what I'e seen so far. I've been given conflicting info about calories / exercise etc....And would appreciate any help going. My main problem appers to be I cant eat enough calories. Bread,pasta and potatoes tend to give me a bad tum so I tend to stick to meat and veg. I'm reasonably…