So I typically get an extra large french vanilla coffee in the morning from Dunkin donuts. I ask for one cream and 4 splendas. The coffee looks pretty light all the time. Does anyone know what I should log? I wanna log one cream but its seems like they don't use individual packets because it always looks lighter. Maybe…
How do I know how many calories is the right amount? I have my goal set at 1600 but I go over that at night. I usually don't log my dinner calories as closet but I leave enough calories at the en of the day to not go over by an extensive amount. I'm 5'3. At my first appointment I was about 160. My midwife wants me to gain…
So today I went to the park and went jogging around the track. I averaged a 14 minute mile (4 min jogging 2 minute walking) I was DYING. I checkedy heartrate afterward manually and used my phones stopwatch. My heartrate was 290/min!!!! I'm JOGGING for petesake!! I'm a 24 year old female 5'3 and 168 pounds. What the heck…
So yesterday I woke up with the flu. I ate two tacos and couldn't eat a thing for the rest of the day ( the tacos were even a mistake) I did a couple things in the house and then was in bed from 2pm until 9am this morning. I thought for sure I'd at least lose one pound but I gained a pound to a pound and a half. What the…