I am on day 2 of a 5-day organic juice cleanse. I do this once a year to give my body a healthy boost as I go into the winter months. Each day, I pick up 4 "mason jars" full of the green magic juice made from stuff like kale, cucumber, apples, beets, carrots, parsley, you name it. Each days juice is slightly different and…
Working out is second nature to me. But, I've found that when I'm in serious lean down mode (like right now), it takes my muscles a long time to recover from my really hard strength/cardio days. I do a fast-paced "circuit-type" workout on Tuesday and Thursdays. I went to "Manic" on Tues. and then yesterday I hiked hills…
I have been doing a great workout called "Manic Training". It's an hour-long class that is filled with circuits like kettle bells, ropes, suspension trainers, medicine balls, box jumps, etc. lots of strength and cardio combined stations. It's one of those "go as hard as you can for an hour" kinds of classes where my heart…
Hi: I joined the website about a week ago and I really love what it offers. While I'm not in HUGE weight loss mode these days, I spent the last 5 years working really hard to get in the best shape of my life. I found that keeping a food and exercise journal is one of the best ways to control weight and stay on track and…