Juice Cleanse

I am on day 2 of a 5-day organic juice cleanse. I do this once a year to give my body a healthy boost as I go into the winter months. Each day, I pick up 4 "mason jars" full of the green magic juice made from stuff like kale, cucumber, apples, beets, carrots, parsley, you name it. Each days juice is slightly different and a local dietician runs the fast as a class. Sometimes, it's hard to get the juice down. But for the most part, the juice is pretty tasty, you don't feel hungry, I always sleep better and have tons of energy (despite the fact that I'm not eating tons of calories or regular food).

So, last night, in honor of my cleanse, I watched the move "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" on Hulu. If you haven't seen this movie, I highly suggest watching it. These guys did a juice cleanse for 60 days! I'm only doing it for 5 so it makes my attempt look pretty weak. In any case, it's an amazing story and very inspirational.

The biggest thing I've realized on my juice cleanse is my draw to food. And, this happens every year. I realize how dependent we (or maybe just me) are on food. How much I think about it and how much I want to chew it. Despite the fact that I'm NOT EVEN HUNGRY. Food addiction has been a big problem for me all my life. It wasn't until I was willing to admit that, that I really got healthy, fit and well.

Tell me your juice cleanse stories if you have one. If not, and you have questions, fire away. I really think this is a good thing to do for your body about once a year. As I said before, it detoxifies your liver, helps you sleep better, gives you tons of energy, you may or may not lose weight, but you will definitely learn something about yourself.


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    It's weird how dependant we are on food.
  • kayemac
    kayemac Posts: 10 Member
    I've never done it, but just wanted to say I watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" recently and was so impressed! Made me wish I had a juicer. So, good for you! Would love to hear how it goes for you.