Binge Cycle
Hi all! I've been struggling with binge eating for about 6 years now, and I felt like I was making pretty good progress the last few months, but lately I've been frustrated with how things are going. I'm finding that things go really well for a few weeks- I'm eating healthy foods, but still allowing myself occasional…
Run Streak?
I've been running for 3 years now, but lately I've found it so hard to motivate myself to get out the door. To be honest, I don't think I've ever had a period of time where I was running consistently. I'm trying to make running into a habit, and I think I'd do really well if I could do it consistently every morning. The…
No motivation left
When I was in high school, I lost almost 50 pounds, but I did it in a very unhealthy way (way too much caloric restriction). I was bordering on anorexia and I think that's what led to my developing binge eating disorder, which I am still struggling with now. My problem is, I have completely lost all motivation to lose…
Homework and Binge Eating
Hi everyone! I've been dealing with binge eating disorder since senior year of high school (I'm now a senior in college) and lately it has gotten worse and worse. My worse urges to binge come when I'm doing homework- when I don't want to do homework in the first place, or when I come to a math problem that's too hard or an…
Stress bingeing- How do you avoid it?
Hi everyone! I'm 21 years old and just starting my senior year of college. I've had a binge eating problem since high school, and it's only gotten worse since then. My biggest issue is bingeing when I'm stressed. If I ever don't want to do something that I know I need to do (like homework), I turn to food. I'm so busy this…
Addicted to Sugar
I've dealt with binge eating disorder for a while, but it's developed into a full-on addiction to sugar. Every night for the past 2 weeks I've find myself running to my dorm's vending machines or to our local convenience store to buy as many chocolatey, sugary treats as I can stuff down. It's becoming a serious problem- I…
Looking for a "Binge Buddy"
Hi all! I have been binging a LOT lately. It started around August of last year, and although a couple times I have gotten myself under control, all of a sudden, something will happen, and it will start all over again. I know there are people out there having similar problems. I was hoping to find someone to be my "binge…
Depression AFTER quitting binge eating?
Okay so this might sound like a really strange question, but here goes. I've been struggling with binge eating for about 2 and a half years now. I used to binge pretty much every weekend, eating pretty much whatever I could find extremely quickly and then dealing with the horrible stomachaches and the guilt for the next…
After a half marathon
I'm running my first half marathon in 2 weeks, and being the crazy plan ahead person, I'm already trying to figure out my running routine for after the race. I know I'll need to rest a few days and then just do a couple short runs, but after that, I'm wondering how many miles a day/days a week I should run. I'm currently…
good pilates dvds?
I've been taking pilates classes 2 days a week since the beginning of september at the gym on my campus, and I am really enjoying them. However, winter break is coming up, and I'll be gone for about a month. I'd really like to find a good pilates dvd workout that I can do at home. I'm looking for one that's between 45…
binging on rest days
ugh. for some reason, i ALWAYS end up binging on rest days. i don't know how it happens...all of a sudden I find myself having the urge to eat massive amounts of food for absolutely no reason. does anyone else have this problem? if so, what do you do to try and prevent this?i know exercise helps curve cravings, but i know…
Cross Training for a Half Marathon
Hi all! So I've done a few 5k's, and I've been running consistently for about 3 months now. My next goal is to run a half marathon in March. I've found a few beginners training plans to work up to running a half in about 3 months. All of them include 3 days of running and 2 days of cross training/week. I currently run 3…
Disney World Half Marathon
anyone else doing it? i started training last week. i by NO MEANS am attempting to do well, as i'm only running like 2 miles right now. but having a training buddy would be great!
I've started taking pilates classes at the gym on campus, and I absolutely love it. However, I've only been doing it twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) because I run 4 days a week. I'm wondering if doing pilates only 2 days a week is enough to see results. I know it will be good for me whether I build a ton of muscle or…
Motivational Pictures
I just got a pinterest, and that, combined with blogs and topics on mfp, has helped me find dozens of motivational pictures, quotes, etc. As great and motivated as I feel while I'm looking at them, when my motivation is really lacking, I don't feel like going on the computer to read them. Does anyone have a certain place…
Strength training after Running
So I've just started running in the past few weeks, and I'm really enjoying it. The only thing is, I'm really missing the strength training I used to do. I've done 30 day shred, and I loved the way my body looked and how strong I felt. I really don't want to sacrifice that for running, but at the same time, I think it…
how many days a week should you run?
i am just starting out running (and working out in general) consistently. i've been aiming to run about 3 days a week, but I'm wondering if I should be doing more. I don't want to overexert myself, but at the same time, I'm afraid that if I only run 3 days a week I won't be able to build my endurance and I won't see any…
Problems after biking in hot weather
I went on approximately a 2.5 hour bike ride today. I was in the shade probably 70% of the time, but the temperature outside was between 85 and 90 degrees. of course i was hot and pretty exhausted, but i never really got horribly dizzy. throughout the ride, i drank 1.5 bottles of gatorade, and i drank another half of a…
What would you tell yourself...
while you were gaining the weight? if you could go back in time, what would you say to yourself when you gained the first 10 pounds? the first 20?
Do I really want this?
I've been trying to lose weight for about a year now. I started on mfp last may, and by august, I had lost about 15 pounds. Then I started binge eating when school started, and I gained it all back, plus another 15 pounds. Pretty much every day since about February, I've said to myself "Today is the day. Today's the day I…
Beck Diet Solution
Is anyone doing this program? I tried it before, but life kind of got in the way. I'm ready to try it again now, but I am looking for a diet coach. I was hoping to find someone else who is doing it on here so we could help each other!
Headaches after Exercising
I just recently started working out in the morning, and I love having the extra time. However, after I finish, I've been getting really bad headaches. I eat a few pretzels and drink about 3 oz of water before, and I try to drink a lot after, but I still don't feel good. Has anyone had this happen to them and knows what it…
...so WHY DO I DO IT?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
Eating to Procrastinate
Does anyone do this? here i am, with a million years of homework to do and about 2 hours to do it...and what am i doing? that's right. stuffing my face. WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN!?!?!?!
Ripped in 30 starting...
I finished 30 day shred on friday and would like to start ripped in 30 in a few days...looking for some buddies to do it with! is anyone planning on starting soon?
What do you do when you're bored?
Hey everyone! So i had been doing really well eating and working out with mfp, but i am on break right now. i was fine for the first few days, but now i feel like all i do is watch tv and surf the web. as a result, i've been eating when i'm not hungry. i really don't want to sabotage myself! so i'm wondering...what do you…
scared of morning workouts!
ok, this is going to sound ridiculous. i have been dying to be able to work out in the morning, so that i know it gets done and i have time for everything i need to do in the day. i've been researching about what to eat and drink before, and i am pretty confused...everyone seems to have a different answer! anyways, here's…
Morning workouts
I have been trying to start working out in the morning, just because i think it will fit better with my schedule and keep me motivated. the only thing i am a little worried about is eating/drinking before. i have to leave in the mornings by 6:50, and i need at least a half hour to get ready, so i don't really have time to…
Discouraged and need help! (WARNING: LOOOONG!!!)
I have been on mfp since about may 2011. At the beginning, I logged religiously and always stayed under 1200 without a problem. I had lost about 16 lbs by the time august came around. At the end of august, i got really sick for a few days and didn't eat at all. I decided to take a break from logging for a few weeks,…
I am currently eating 1200 calories a day and have been for about 2 weeks now. At first it seems like enough, but now I feel like i'm always hungry. I really want to lose weight and get the best results out of my exercise (i'm doing 30 day shred right now), but at the same time, i feel like i might get frustrated if i am…