Treadclimber vs Treadmill which to get?
Hi everyone, Need your thoughts. I know nothing about Bowflex Treadclimbers or what kind of treadmill to look at. But just know I'm done standing in line at the gym somedays for a treadmill. When I can I walk outside which I've heard is better for you :) I want a good piece of equipment, but have conflicting reviews on the…
Jekyll and Hyde
I'm a Prednisone dependent person it seems. I have been on it since 2001 or 2002 for breathing issues. After 10 or11 years it is taking it's tole on me. I thought it would be helpful to hear what some of you experience while taking it or coming down (off) from taking Prednisone. Here are something's it has done to me or I…
Calf muscles
When I walk outside and do my walking DVD in the house my calf muscles get rock hard. They don't hurt, cramp or burn, but give a weird sensation instead. My potasium and sodium levels are ok and within range, so I know that isn't it. I do a warm up and cool down before I start and finish exercising. I'm not in good shape…
Challange #1
Hey all. Lets come up with a challange using the LS walking ABS with belt 3 mile DVD. How about we have to do the 3 mile 3 times a week? What do you all think?
Why do I feel this way?
Does anyone else have this probelm of the scaled saying you've lost, but man you just feel like you've gained in your stomach? Don't know how else to describe it
Found a free site that has GREAT reciepes that are weight lo
Has anyone tried the website www.delish.com? Pretty cool site for low fat and calorie stuff :) It has everything on it you can imagine. It offers a receipe book you can save what ever you want to also. Most reciepes have the calories etc. on them...which is manditory if not listed don't bother....it's loaded to the max…
Another Excellent cookbook find! Test and tried all of them
Hi all, I found another cookbook that is out of this world! I've been working through the reciepes for over 2 years now and all but maybe 5 or 6 of them I wouldn't make again. It uses common things you stock instead of whacked out things you have to go buy and then might not use again for a long time. It has all the…
Exercise and daily calories HELP needed
Why do you want to eat the calories that you have burned in exercise? I eat 1200/day and the calculator tells me I can add my amount of exercise into the daily calories. To me this is defeating the purpose. Do the activies to loss weight not eat them back? So confused :(
Found a GREAT cookbook thought I'd share!
Hi all, I found a great cookbook called Fix it and Forget it Lightly. It's a crockpot cookbook with low calorie reciepes. I've been using it off and on for a couple years now and finally looked back through it and found the word "Good" written on all but three reciepes :) Tested and tried and I'm a picky eater. I'm able to…