Hi I'm finally going to start my lifting program after what seems like a life time of torture not been able to lift (I fractured my sternum last year, cycling into a safety fence:blushing: ) it's what I class as fully healed to start weight training again, I have 4 days until leg days, so hopefully you peckers will advise…
We'll I've done the diamond dozen and I was actually surprised when my HRM jumped from low 90s to the 120s when doing the ignition - I'm looking forward to doing my first proper dvd on Wednesday :) I loved the hulk it out - suppose it helps that I was brought up watching wrestling - although admittedly it's strange seeing…
After a week of having a sickness bug and head cold, I finally started today which means doing the whole thing straight through I will finish on Christmas Eve :) So here's to the next 29 days :)
I had a cycling accident a few days ago, which lead to an A&E trip resulting in a sling, bandage finger (suspected broken, had x-ray awaiting results), bruised sternum (which is very painful even breathing hurts) they don't think I fractured it but they have said I have badly damaged it and it will take a while to heel, I…
I'm a little a head of everyone, I just finished my seconded fit test and I increased in every round, so today's results are: Switch Kicks (1rep=both) 60 (+10) Power Jacks 45 (+5) Power Knees 75 (+5) Power Jumps 41 (+11) Globe Jumps (1rep=4jumps) 11 (+2) Suicide Jumps 14 (+2) Push Up Jacks 18 (+2) Low Plank Oblique…