15 lbs Gone I'm halfway there!
Before During
What Should I Drink Tonight?
Going out with the girls tonight and I have some extra calories that I plan on spending on booze. Normally I'd drink: Vodka diet tonic and lemon or Vodka with ice water and add crystal light But I'm bored with those two. What's your favorite low cal drink? What's a unique low cal drink? Thanks for the suggestions!
Blonde or Red
I'm currently a blonde and my hsuband loves it but I'm getting tired of it...that's me on the left <img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/377708_10150374793419860_678049859_8176608_1343614397_n.jpg" /> I have a hair appintment tonight and was thinking of going a little darker <img…
The Dirty Dozen Work Out
Try this out: 12 jumping jacks 12 push ups 12 burpees Run 1 lap approx 1/4 mile 12 jumping jacks 12 push ups 11 burpees Run 1 lap approx 1/4 mile Reapeat until you reach 0 burpees Total of 144 jumping jacks, 144 push ups, 78 burpees and 12 laps (approx 3 miles) I finished this workout this morning in 50 minutes and…
Paleo Diet - Lost weight losing hair....
My friend who was very overweight started the Paleo diet at the begining of the year. She doesn't eat many carbs nor does she eat fruits with a great deal of sugar. She's done great, she's dropped 70lbs , met her goal weight, she looks amazing and most importantly she has her self confidence back! But, I've noticed she's…
My Story - Round Two
I joined MFP in Jan. of this year to drop some lbs for my wedding. I hit my mini goal of 15lbs lost (150 lbs) rather quickly (within 2 months) and I was pretty happy with myself. I maintained that weight trough August and then the wedding planning started to get to me. I suppose in my mind I was saying to myself, "The…