Julian Bakery Paleo Bars
Has anyone tried the Julian Bakery paleo protein bars? Yeah I know everyone hates paleo, but they're one of the few protein bars that doesn't contain something I'm allergic to. However, they're super expensive so I wondered if anyone has tried them. Thoughts? Would be really nice on days I'm nowhere close to my protein…
Recipes for Goat?
We have almost 60 lbs of goat meat in our freezer. Other than pot-roast and curry, I really have no idea how to cook it. Does anyone have a good goat meat recipe to share? Thanks!!
Spouse traveling a lot?
Does anyone else have a spouse who travels frequently? I feel like I could use some emotional advice. My husband, within the last year or so, has started traveling a lot for work - usually 1-2 weeks every month, sometimes up to 5 weeks in a row. He witnesses tests for his work so it's a major part of his job description…
Big booty problems
Ok ladies I need advice. I've spent most of my life skinny and flat as a board. Even when I gained some weight I never had much of a butt. But my rear view has expanded considerably since I've started lifting and now I have no idea what to wear. Most of my closet is comprised of long tunic tops and empire waist dresses -…
Food Issues Vent
Really frustrated and need to vent. Have suspected for a long time that my oldest son might have food sensitivities. Autoimmune disorders and food issues run in my side of the family. My mom, sister, aunt and I all have several foods to which we're intolerant and all have drastic physical reactions which when we consume…
Mistaking discomfort for hunger?
Has anyone else found themselves eating when they're uncomfortable instead of just hungry. It seems like often my brain will recognize ALL stomach aches or illness as "hunger pangs" and the more discomfort I feel, the more I want to eat. I have a lot of food issues, so I often have stomach pain that isn't hunger related…
Weighing foods - multi-ingredients and portioning
I've just started weighing my foods and I'm a little stumped. It's easy for things like watermelon where I can measure my portion and be done with it. But I cook lots of things like giant pots of soup with many ingredients - I can weigh each thing before I put it in for a grand total of what's in the pot, but how do I then…
Transitioning between bar and dumbbells
Was hoping someone might have some experience or advice for me. I'm currently in a position where I can only get to the gym one day a week - the rest of my week I'm left to lift with dumbbells at home. I'm a little stumped as to how to build a routine around my access to the weights. I can lift significantly more weight on…
Dear Anorexia
Skimming back over my weight loss blog I found this post I wrote a few years ago - my letter to Anorexia. http://thinnernotsicker.blogspot.com/2012/01/dear-anorexia.html
Weird new urge
Back in my ana days I was never really into fitness. Once in a while I'd lift or do some bodyweight somethingorother but I was all about restricting calories in, instead of worrying about calories out. I spent all my energy figuring out how to get by without eating - eating just 500-900 calories/day. Didn't really worry…
Protein suggestions?
I'm kinda new to watching my macros and according to all the things I've read I'm supposed to be getting around 100+ gr of protein every day. However I'm really struggling to get anywhere close to that much daily. I can't eat dairy or beef and while I'm fine with meat/fish and also eat beans, eggs and tofu, I find that…