justcat206 Member


  • Honestly my fave meal for heavy workout days is a HUGE salad with tons of leafy greens (for volume) and a reasonable amount of lean protein (grilled chicken is my go to) and healthy fats (olive oil, avocado, walnuts). Helps me feel full, takes a while to digest, and if I'm easy on the non-leafy toppings, it's relatively…
  • I always say that everything between my shoulders and my knees is my "trouble spot" - really I just want to lean out there - but in order to get the body I want, I have to live a lifestyle I'm not happy with right now. So I'm shooting for balance and health and that's working out pretty well for now.
  • Fast food fries. I used to LOVE them but now they make me feel really sick. Doesn't hold true for 'sit down' burger joint fries, though. I've really just gotten unaccustomed to anything fried and it makes me ill.
  • Honestly, everyone above is right. A good haircut and flattering outfit will make you look much thinner without having to starve yourself. Also stay properly hydrated and make sure not to eat foods that make you bloat and you'll be fine. Just pick things that flatter your figure - have nice legs? Wear heels and show them…
  • Yup. doesn't matter what you weigh, clothing sizes are a gamble. I'm petite and have to try on EVERYthing because things rarely fit right even though I shop at non "fat-lady" stores. Just clear out a little time, pick the stores with the clothing styles you like the best, eyeball it a little and then try on enough clothes…
  • Some of us who have a severe intolerance to foods (i.e. get ill enough that it impairs function - not just gives indigestion) but won't technically suffer anaphylaxis still claim an allergy to that food because a lot of times people assume that "intolerant" means "just don't like" and will think "oh suck it up" and feed it…
  • I was super shy about it when I started lifting, but hubby loves to watch me deadlift lol. I'm sure he will either think it's super hot or just be proud you're making an effort :)
  • I second frozen meats and veggies, fresh fruits and veggies, eggs and beans. LOTS of things you can make out of those basics. I also keep around some basic spices - and Italian mix if I'm making Italian food, a poultry mix for meats, cumin/chili powder/cilantro for mexican dishes, lemon pepper for fish, and some Indian…
  • I love our champion juicer. We rarely use it for juice anymore, but you can put the 'blank' on and feed frozen bananas or fruit through the top to make 'ice cream' which we eat all the time. Also, a good sharp knife, cast iron skillets, my very simple citrus juicer and my slow cooker (I love to slow cook meats them keep…
  • That flow chart is genius!
    in ?!?!?!? Comment by justcat206 June 2015
  • FWIW I'm 5'1" and about 115 lbs. I struggled with anorexia for almost a decade - being afraid of food, afraid to eat, afraid of gaining weight, etc. It was miserable and consumed my life. Then a couple years ago I discovered weight lifting. I started with light dumbbells and bodyweight moves until I was comfortable with…
  • it's easy to sneak pureed veggies into foods. greens into smoothies, shredded spinach or carrots into marinara, lasagna, meatloaf. pureed squash into mac'n'cheese (I've also added cauliflower to shells and my kids didn't notice). Zuchini or pumpkin or carrots to bread and cake. I have one child who doesn't really 'do'…
  • I second gift cards. The gun enthusiasts I know are super picky and would prefer to make their own purchases. If they target shoot you could make them some targets with something fun on them (zombies, sci fi bad guys, etc).
  • avocado is also great in a smoothie (in small doses) to help with consistency :)
  • I lived there for a while myself which was why I picked it :) and thanks, I LOVE pomegranates
  • How aggressively have you been trying to lose weight? if you've been setting your goals to drop 2 lbs/week you might just be losing too fast and suddenly the lack of calories is catching up with you (and body is saying "feed me!") - at least that's what happened for me in the past. Set calories low, worked out hard and a…
    in Relapsed Comment by justcat206 June 2015
  • How's your protein intake? I used to literally black out while working out and my doctor told me I wasn't consuming nearly enough protein. I doubled my intake (I used to pretty much live on carbs) and suddenly stopped getting dizzy at the gym.
    in Dizzy Comment by justcat206 June 2015
  • I use coconut milk to bake and cook, and I'm starting to get used to using it on cereal. There's no alternative to dairy I'd straight-up drink, but it works really well for my purposes. That said, I'm intolerant to dairy and allergic to almonds so that's why I do it. Otherwise, I don't know that there's any real reason to…
  • I love to make homemade meat sauce for spaghetti/spaghetti squash (sautee onion, crushed garlic, 1 lb ground turkey, parsley, basil, oregano, rosemary, add 1/2 cup red wine, 1 large can crushed tomatoes, simmer, add 1 small can tomato paste, 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar). I also add cumin, chili powder and cilantro and sautee…
  • I'm 5'1.5" and 115 lbs and I maintain on around 1600-1800 calories. 1200 makes me feel weak and dizzy and ravenous all the time. Honestly I found that I look a lot better eating more calories and lifting weights than I did when I ate almost nothing and was skinny with zero muscle tone.
  • I gained a ton with all of my babies, too (30-40 lbs), and it came off quite quickly afterward (except my third but I had unrelated health issues that time). I wouldn't try to lose at all, just do as the doc said and make healthy choices :)
  • Well at 105 I wasn't doing things the healthy way. I was doing at least an hour of dumbbell circuits almost every day plus probably eating around 1000 calories. Hence the weight gain - I now work out 3 days a week and eat closer to 1600 and even though I'm a little fluffy, I'm much happier (I was so miserable always being…
  • When I first lost weight, I was doing about an hour of dumbbell circuits 5 days a week. Mostly lifts (I made a list of all the lifts I loved, then did some upper, some lower and some compound every day, never doing the same lift more than once a week) and some cardio things like burpees, jumping jacks, etc. Then once my…
  • Good taste in music
  • I would love to have that much definition. I am not, however, at this point in time, willing to do what it takes to get it. I'd definitely put her on my "goal body" wall though :) I can see how some women might call her "bulky" but I definitely don't.
  • I'm 5'2" on a tall day lol but I lost from 130 down to 105 lbs. I'm back up to 115 now and would like to hit 110 again, but I'm pretty comfortable with this weight, esp since I'm not having to work super hard to stay here. It can be done :)