It's got to be that time of the month. I was exhausted yesterday and today I can't get full.... I've eaten my breakfast and lunch and its not even 10 AM yet..... What do you do to get full?
I am having a goal planning day today, not just for weight loss but professionally as well. I have a problem though when it comes to the reward. So I thought I'd get some ideas and brainstorm......... What do you reward yourself with when you reach a mini goal?
I love pudding, its one of the only ways I get milk into my system. I am on the hunt for lower cal pudding receipes, so no bread pudding. Do you have any ones you love?
Ok so its freezing in the house and I thought, do I burn more calories when the room is cold or when the room is warm? My hands are freezing and so are my feet so I'm thinking my body is colder then if I turned on the heat.
Ok so I'm disappointed that I didn't get the job and I'm still unemployed..... usually this means a binge or two to stuff down all the negative stuff..... New leaf... new life.... need a new solution for disappointment.
I have just signed up and so far this site is really easy to use and keep track. Its the keeping track that works but after a while I all ways stop and end up off the wagon eating myself into a bigger size than before. I guess if I'm going to loose weight and keep loosing it the only way is to get involved, make…