I never uploaded my "before and afters" and to inspire others I decided that maybe I should. I like to think as my before as a small period in time where I got super fat and want to forget that was ever me. BUT it was... And it's important to remember so that I don't allow it to happen again. I have ALWAYS struggled with…
Although I am feeling much better about the recent break up- I am still in a funk and need to get out of it. What worked best for you to get out that icky feeling? As some of you read from my last post, the ex and I are roommates now for a little while at least until he can get the F outta my house (jkjk, really I don't…
No offense to all the newbies, but I have been on here a while and am looking for friends who have already hit goal or are close, are knowledgeable about nutrition/fitness/lifting etc. and have been using MFP regularly.I could use more support from that demographic please! I become friends with newbies all the time and…
I have issues- don't we all. Here is the deal. My BF and I of a little over a year recently ended things. And I mean- they are OVER. It's amicable, we both agree the two of us are just way too different and drive each other nuts. The problem is that I am still in that broken up "funk". I don't want to go out- but don't…
Hello! I am new here too :) I recently had a weight loss surgery, but find myself stupidly still falling into old habits like picking at sour candy little by little or snacking on crackers! I need to track or I am just going to get back to where I was and never get to goal. Other than the bad food I love to excersize and…