Dallas Half Marathon - My First!
I just started training for my first half marathon which will be the Dallas Half in December. Just wonder if anyone else is running this as well or has run it in the past and has any tips. I'm a newbie to running, so my training schedule has me starting off at 2 miles and super slow but I'm hoping to build up to a level…
Snack Baskets for Teens/Tweens/Husband/8 mo Old
Didn't know who to ask this question to, so I'm just throwing it out there. Every year for Christmas, one of the gifts we get our kids (my stepkids) is a basket filled with snack type treats that they can have for just themselves in addition to the normal stuff I buy for the whole house. I do this for my stepdaughter who…
30 Day Shred - Calories Burned
Anyone know how to calculate calories burned while doing 30 DS? I'm starting today and would like a way to track it in my exercise log. Thanks!
30 Day Shred vs. Ripped in 30
I was getting ready to buy 30 Day Shred but then I saw some people mentioning Ripped in 30. Just wonder which one is better for a beginner (just started working out and super out of shape!)?? Any insight is appreciated!