I'm keen to know if anyone has tried these and if so what results you had I'd also like to know your thoughts on the programs and if you have done both how they compared Cheers :smile:
WHAT DO YOU RECOMMEND? I'm so confused by all the gadgets advertised - they all look good but i don't want to waste my money on something that A. might not work or B I might not enjoy using or C both Anyway I would love to hear from all you lovely people as to what you use and if it has given you results I'm interested in…
Hi I am wanting to do some intensity in training and looked at insanity. It looks hardcore but I feel i need to push myself. Anyone tried and and if so what do you think? Also if you have tried it what sort of results did you get? cheers :D
Hi Thought i'd share this breakfast I make - gives me so much energy and always sets me up to feel full all morning. It's slow burning and very healthy I call it Breakfast Crunch fill a cup 3/4 with mix of fresh (or frozen) Blue berries, strawberries, kiwi fruit, 1/2 small banana top with 1-2 tbsp natural yogurt sprinkle…
Hi I'm 47 (shhh) soon to be 48. Seems like for years I became an expert at gaining but not loosing weight. I tried all the diets and some worked others didn't.... or they would work short term and seemed like such a hard slog for little effort. I joined boot camp in June - right in the heart of winter. It was tough and…