just cant seem to do it...
I went away and joined WW too and just dont seem to have the mindset to lose this weight. I know you need to have the right attitude before you start and i just dont feel i have that. One day im good the next i blow out.... just dont know what to do has this is the heaviest ive ever been and with summer almost here i feel…
Need help with a meal plan please
Does anyone have a 7 day meal plan that they could share with me to get me started? :)
Went out for tea and no idea what the calories were, if anyone could help id be grateful as really want to get back on track this week so i can plan exercise etc to compesate :) x
ready to try again!
Hi All, over the last few months i have not been following the plan the way i had intended so have not met my goal ( have stayed the same tho) and not had time to go to the gym the way i used to due to a number of commitments! Those things are now manageable and im ready to try again!! With summer coming i want to reach…
OMG i have eaten SOOOO much today
I have been so hungry this week and tongiht just went a bit mad! had my dinner of low fat pasta and sauce then decided to have some of the yummy flatbread my bf had ( 400calories) then 2 chocolate muffins! (approx 800 calories) thats almost a days intake in bad stuff! i am near my totm but thats no excuse, i have just gone…
Ainsley Harriott cous cous- calories?
Ive scanned the barcode and it said 188kcl per serving but it dont know if this is right? the abck of pack says 144kcl per 100g which is the estimated weight of the packet? but 130g serving is 188kcl? I have had the whole packet and thougth this was too low...?
Almost fits...
Does anyone else have the problem where they are say a size 8 but some dresses depending on style ( i,e strapless) where it zips right up but when you get to the boobs it just wont squash them in!? This is a common problem for me but a size 10 is just too big everywhere else and hangs, just wish i could get that zip up…
i must be doing something wrong...
I just dont seem to be loosing... i have been following shred and im on L3 day 2, and can really feel a difference but the scales arent moving at all which is slightly annoying!! I think i eat too many carbs as my diet tends to be full of them, also i dont deprive myself of a sweetie i just make sure its within my daily…
inches lost with shred?
Hi All, I am on day 16 of shred so half way through L2. I am feeling better as i havebeen going to the gym too and following healthy diet but havent noticed a huge inch loss? I know everyone is different and i have little to lose anyways but wondered on everyone elses sucess? Im 5ft 3 and 125lbs- is anyone else of a…
going up and down same few pounds?
Ive been following the plan now for a few months and it seems to be that im going up and down the same few pounds and not actually losing anything. I choose 1500 cal diet as felt 1200 was too little and i was starving. Has anyone else managed to loose on 1500 calories? I am exercising regulary and ensuring that i eat…
Gained & don't understand why?
Followed the plan so well, went to the gym every day, done shred & still had calories in the bank but gained almost 2 lbs. feel so demotivated and don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Sweet tooth!!
Having one of those days where all i want to do is eat chocolate, been to body pump, cleaned the house now i want to eact, not hungry just boredom, does anyone else get this? How do you stop yourself eating it when you know you dont need it???
Thinking of giving 30 day shred a go- any thoughts?
im really feeling the jan blues and my tummy is so bloated today due to time of the month so need to do something about this! weight is fluctuating a lot the last few days today being higher despite having worked hard this week so not sure what is going on... i have a work dance on 17th of feb and would love to go and feel…
need help with my goals!
I plan to change my goals so there is more protein and sugar allowance but not sure wht percentages i should be looking at? im on 1500 cals per day, 5ft 3 and pretty active. The sugar at present goes over if i have too much fruit! Any guidance would be appreciated or tips on what has worked for others :)
Newbie looking for some motivation
Hi All, Im relatively new to this site ( joined end of nov but havent really done much yet... so starting from now!) and just begining to suss out how it all works. ive downloaded the app for my phone and it seems to be easy to track everything, just now need to stick to it! Ive done WW before and managed to keep the stone…
How do you change the sugar daily limit?
Hi, Im new to this and not doing so well since xmas with all the chocs so decided to get back to it! Ive read on here that a ot of people go over the sugar daily goal as it appears to be set low? if i have a cereal bar or some cereal it tends to put me over?? Does anyone know how to change these goals? what would be the…