For about the last week every time I seem to walk, my right hip seems to "click". Well, it feels more like a "thunk", but whatever. I'd get it off and on before, like it'd show up for a little bit during the day then disappear or weeks or months and I'd think nothing of it. But now I've had it happening for at least a…
I'm setting up recipes on here for the stuff my mother makes homemade, and she uses turkey drippings in both the gravy and the stuffing. I know HOW much she puts in, but I have no idea how to catalogue that for calories, etc.. Is there an equivalent I can use on MFP? Thanks in advance. :)
I am assuming that the serving size on the back is for the product in the can and NOT with water, correct? If so, then any calculation I would do would be halved, correct? (The specific example I am using is Campbell's chicken noodle soup, which usually requires you to add a full can of water to the pot) I am pretty…