Anyone read "Wheat Belly"? If so, what do you think...truth or fiction? Calories: 96 Fat: 1.4 grams Carbs: 12 grams Protein: 10 grams Ingredients: 1 cup Oat Flour 4 Egg Whites 2 scoops Vanilla Whey Protein Powder ½ cup Splenda, Truvia, or Ideal ½ tsp Baking Soda ¼ tsp Salt 8oz Berry flavored Baby Food 3 tbsp Baking…
After listening to Fat2Fit radio podcasts, I learned about the "burpee a day" challenge. You start with one burpee on day one, two burpees on day 2, etc. Obviously at some point you'll have to not add any more each day. Personally, I'm going to see if I can get up to 100 burpees. Even on day four I'm finding they are…
What amount of time (per day) do you find to be optimal to get a good workout AND burn your goal number of calories? I'm not looking for any "let's move" suggestions. Instead, I'm looking for your opinion based on your own personal experience. Thx!
This is a great, relatively inexpensive book by Naturopathic Doctor Marianne Marchese. The accompanying website is
Anyone belong to a CSA? I do and my first box should arrive during the first full week of June. I will then get a box of produce through the summer and the season will end somewhere around mid-October (assuming the weather holds and there are no natural disasters). I found that the CSA food is no more expensive than buying…