I bought a 4 lb toning ball and DVD yesterday for $12 at TJMaxx. I figured it would be a nice variation for my exercise options especially indoors in the winter. Let me tell you, it was pretty tough. I started the workout after jogging today thinking I'll just do this silly strength training thing to add to my cardio…
Hi - I am considering starting either the P90X or 30-day shred programs but leaning toward the 30-day shred since it is only a 20-minute workout for 30 days. Does anyone have any thoughts on which? Anyone want to start one with me??
Hi - I am a 40 y.o. who has NEVER had to count calories. I used to have a great metabolism and any exercise I did do was a bonus to improving my body. I actually was very underweight in my teen years and tried everything to gain weight! Now the scales have tipped (haha!) and I am finding that a year or two ago I weighed 10…