

  • Eulogy for Spartacus Spartacus will be remembered as a special fish whom we all loved and admired. At 5 years he was quite large -- 6" long and 1" around. We will remember him with kindness and love... Rest in peace big blue pretty boy. :sad:
  • We use Montreal Steak seasoning and don't overcook the burgers. I think the key I think is in the quality of the bun and the toppings and depends on your individual tastes. I don't think there's a perfect burger for everyone. If you are really ambitious, stuff a little low fat feta cheese in the middle (blue cheese is…
  • I was set to buy a Polar but ended up buying a hrm while shopping at my local Costco, It is the N4 (New Balance). I bought it for $44 thinking at the time I'd return it if it didn't work out. I LOVE IT! It is accurate and EASY to use. Plus, the price is fantastic! Yes - it does display calories burned, max and min heart…
  • First, make sure you have zeroed out all of the factory settings on your HRM and entered your own info accurately. My first week of using my hrm was totally inaccurate because I failed to do that correctly. It was ;;telling me I was burning way too many calories than what I actually did. The way you can check that it's…
  • Def agree with all above - HRM is the way to go. I had the exact same issue where the elliptical was telling me I burned a bazillion calories. To reply to above comment - the more accurate best guess of calories burned (of the 3) would be the HRM which at least you are setting it up with specific parameters like age,…
  • I too had the Mirena last June 2009 and thought for sure I gained a lot of weight because of it. Looking back, I now think that I was very bloated after getting it and had a lot of cramping for awhile which probably added a lot of water weight and the feeling of gaining weight. I almost had it taken out because of the side…
  • Hi Todd, Welcome to mfp - This is a great site to keep you on track and get you to where you need to be. Sending you a friend request :happy: Katie
  • Would love to try the Chalean program. Does it have less of a time commitment? Oh and btw, I know someone who did the less intense P90 and loved it but I don't know anything about it.
  • So excited to try this. Bet my kids would also like it! Seriously, can you wrap them in foil and heat over the camp fire?! Doesn't it all stick to the tin foil? Thanks for the ideas! I usually splurge and eat an occasional s'more in the microwave but this sounds like a fun thing to do.
  • Hi! Lots of people use the P90X workout system on here. Basically it is VERY intense 90-day workout plan for getting in shape and losing weight - it has DVDs for the workouts and a nutrition plan plus optional supplements. Click on Search and type it in and you'll see many entries for it on this site. Also, check out this…
  • Welcome to mfp! This is a fantastic site to keep you on track and get lots of feedback about getting your body where you want it to be. One of the things that helps me is to try to pre-plan my day. I don't do this everyday but I def do this if I know I have a high calorie dinner planned, special event or other plans that…
  • Congratulations on your new baby! Nursing my two was such a joy - not always easy or convenient but a wonderful thing for me. If you are primarily nursing (versus supplementing with formula) you are burning lots of calories. I lost most of my pregnancy weight each time by just eating what I normally would and nursing. Here…
  • Thanks for the recipes! Do you have calorie info.? Maybe they're in the database? Do you store these in the frig and how long do they stay fresh?
  • Thanks guys for the ideas! :bigsmile:
  • Does the restaurant have nutrition info? I would say go with Sashimi (sushi meat only) for least calories but it looks like the sushi selections are all rolls with rice on outside. Probably filet (no added sauce), Ahi Tuna or Chilean Sea Bass would be my pick for calories but not sure about the sauces. If I were you, I'd…
  • Hi Becca:) I don't have a Polar but love mine.:love: A little tidbit of info I didn't know - You shouldn't use tap water to wet the strap as the minerals are not good conductors and will build up. Sounds gross but I use saliva to wet mine. And be careful to zero out all of the settings first so that it calculates…
  • Thanks Tonya. Guess no one else on this site uses them! The DVD did have a partner workout too but I haven't gotten to that. I love a variety in my workouts. Dreading winter when i'm stuck inside :(
  • Just got back from playing tennis for two hours, moderate effort but I'm no Serena Williams. My heart rate monitor range is set at 117 (low) to 144 (high). I am in good shape and have been working out almost everyday for a month cardio-wise. Here's the data from my hrm. Time in zone 33+ min; burned 431.85 calories; 60% fat…
  • Hi Mate, The first thing that popped in my head was like above, listen to your body. It worries me a little cause you might be working above your capacity. There's a lot of contradicting info about max heart rate but you should keep tabs on that during your workout so you know your not working above yours. The calculation…
  • Regarding "training zone" - my goal for my workouts is to stay within that zone for at least 10 minutes to get cardiac benefit (on average I get about 25+minutes) I use the equation 220 minus age X .65 to calculate low end of heart rate needed for adequate cardiac exercise and 220 minus age X .8 to calculate highest heart…
  • You are on a roll! You deserve every bit of your success :-)
  • I have a new one made by New Balance - model N4. Was all set to buy the Polar brand then saw it at my local Costco for $44. I love it! Very simple to use and reliable for heart rate! Love the money I saved too :-)
  • Welcome! Yes, this site can really help motivate and and help you focus so you can reach your goals. The social element is very important (for me anyway) so my advice is build up friends. I always pick people who I think are positive and inspire me! Feel free to add me if you want. Good luck, Katie
  • I also have very small ear canals and the hard ear plugs just fall right out too. Look for the ones with a soft rubber cushion fitting. There are many brands on the market and they usually come with more than one size in the box. The brand i have is called ifrogz but I have seen them in stores too, I think named skull…
  • You are gonna do great with this site! Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend if you like :) Katie
  • Kimber, Number 1 - you are back on track and in the game. That 's the most important thing! Number 2 - you have all of us here to keep you motivated and moving in the direction you want to go. Number 3 - time to dig deep and eat and exercise so that you get your edge back You CAN do it!!
  • My dear Wolverine, I hope that in all this mess that life is throwing your way that you can somehow gracefully pass through. The fact that a medical professional left you hanging like that is just plain irresponsible. This is not a test that you should pass, just some crap in the world. The world in fact can really suck!…
  • Love your perspective. Thanks for the visual on the fat backing it's bag! :flowerforyou:
  • I am not a dietitian or anything but I would be careful to entirely close off the idea of needing to supplement with vitamins. I was also of the thought that if I eat a balanced diet of meats, fruits and vegetables, etc... I didn't need to take them. Recently, I had routine blood work showing I am Vitamin D deficient. So…
    in Vitamins Comment by kmulhollen July 2010
  • Hi! So glad to have you on here and that you are getting on track. This is a great site for keeping track of exercise and calories and of course the support of mfp friends. That is the component that really makes a difference I think so ADD FRIENDS is my advice. I will send a friend request to you. Katie
    in Hi :-) Comment by kmulhollen July 2010