Need some mental support help

I was away last week, had lots of fun ect. ect. but I skipped doing my workout video, despite taking it with me. I did jog 5 miles each day though so i didn't feel bad.

Since then I've had a whirlwind week where I can barely find to fit in the video again and I'm goign away again for a few days.

However, the big thing is a few medical issues have arisen for me and it's just gripping me and keeping me distracted from doing anything productive. The words "it could be cancer" should never be said before any testing outside of blood work is done and I still don't have an answer 4 days later. Then I get the oh so awesome "we should just be friends" talk which i saw coming but it just couldn't have come at a worse time.

Throw in the fact that I'm staying with said person this weekend for a concert (it's a 8 hour drive) and I have a new job looming that I'm not prepared for, normal work stress is building as the change draws near and I have a trip to vegas in 2 weeks that I'm not prepared for money wise or in any sense of the word "prepared".

It just feels like I've been building something for the past 2 months, to make me a better person ect ect and now it's crumbling at a horrid rate and I see no end in sight to this madness.


  • jeanineadele
    jeanineadele Posts: 114
    Sorry your having a bad week! The cancer you said, it shouldn't even be mentioned before the blood tests come back.

    There are amazing cures taking place for cancer in Mexico. Mainly what they do is super clean organic diet and cleanses. I personaly know people who are cancer free now because of this treatment.

    The girl...I'm not promising but maybe she's feeling your "bad week" and that's just her way of coping. Every relationship has a bunch of little breakups and makeups.

    Good News is you are taking care of yourself and at the basic core level that has to come first. You can't take care of anyone else if you can't first take care of yourself.

    I bet you have a great week ahead...sending positive best wishes your way.
  • kmulhollen
    kmulhollen Posts: 54
    My dear Wolverine,
    I hope that in all this mess that life is throwing your way that you can somehow gracefully pass through. The fact that a medical professional left you hanging like that is just plain irresponsible. This is not a test that you should pass, just some crap in the world. The world in fact can really suck! You seem to have a healthy perspective about it all.
    I will pray that you get through everything with as much peace as possible!
  • erika1223
    erika1223 Posts: 2 Member
    It really is ridiculous the way bad things seem to pile on at the same time! When things all hit the fan at once for me, I try to find as many positive things as I can and focus on them like crazy. Think mini affirmations. Example: you have a new job, expecially in times where jobs are so hard to find. Nobody is every truely "prepared" for a new job, but it will definately give you something to focus your energy on! All of the travels and activities will be positive as well. It may give you a chance to reflect on how you feel about the breakup and the direction you will take your life finding yourself newly single. I truly hope all goes well with your health. And if it does happen to be something serious, know that there are many supports out there to help you through it. Take care!!