21 Day sample Menu
Does anyone have a 21 or even a 7 day sample menu for eating raw? I found a few online but they all charge a ton of money to download.
For those wishing to try this hybrid, the link to the schedule is provided below. I am a total newbie to this, and have about 40 pounds to lose myself. Please respond to this post with a quick intro as well as your goals. http://www.turbopulse.com/p90x-les-mills-combat-hybrid/
Nutrisystem or Eat Clean Diet??? Who has best success?
I am currently doing Nutrisystem, and it's fine. The meals taste decent and it's a no brainer to stay at or under my calorie count, not to mention I don't have to cook anything! However, I am concerned about all the preservatives, sodium, etc and am still curious if these are the reasons by day's end I am so bloated. I…
DDP Yoga Calorie Burn
Just curious if anyone has an estimate on their calorie burn. From what I have read, seems to burn more than regular yoga. Also, is it really enough on its own for weight loss or do you need cardio as well?
Paleo Ratios for Ulimate Fat Loss???
I am trying to figure this paleo thing out but am totally confused. What are the correct carb/protein/fat ratios for optimal fat loss? Alos, are there easy and quick recipes? Everything I find on the internet is very detailed and lengthy recipes.
P90x... success for women?
I am beginning p90x today and since I tried in the past and thought the cardio was kinda on the weak side, I will be supplementing the cardio days (with the exception of the yoga because I like teh yoga) with elliptcal for 45-60 minutes. I have about 50 pounds to lose and will be doing the lean version. Just curious if…
Calories Burned doing Training for Tough Mudder???
My husband and I are thinking about doing the Tough Mudder this summer. I downloaded their "training bootcamp". It's basically very intense circuit training for an hour. However, I would guess from looking at it that it burnes more cals than the avergae circuit training. Anyone know how many? Ball park?
How to track calories on Paleo Diet?
I have done some research trying to find cookbooks or websites that will give me great recipes but also the calorie counts. So far I have been unable to find that. There seems to be TONS of recipes out there but none that offer a calorie count that I can plug into Myfitnesspal. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Any yoga (that I can do with dvd) that burns calories??
I have been sticking to elliptical and weights which is great accept my buldgind disk is starting to give me issues again. My hamstrings have even become so tight that I can't even straighten my leg all the way, let alone stretch it back. A year and a half ago when all this started, the physical therapist suggested I stop…