Any yoga (that I can do with dvd) that burns calories??

I have been sticking to elliptical and weights which is great accept my buldgind disk is starting to give me issues again. My hamstrings have even become so tight that I can't even straighten my leg all the way, let alone stretch it back. A year and a half ago when all this started, the physical therapist suggested I stop doing cardio and weights all together and dedicate myself to yoga. She said the disk was buldging, the muscled in my back, hip and all down my leg lacked any mobility and I have arthritis in my back and hip. I tried doing Bryan Kest's power yoga, but since I also have quite a bit of weight to lose, I noticed the scale stopped budging. I continued backing off the cardio and just stretching and doing yoga but then that's when I noticed I was actually gaining weight (from lack of any real calorie burn I guess). Does anyone know of any kind of good yoga/pilates based workout dvd's that burn about as many calories as cardio????


  • Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown! I found it at Target for $9.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    DDP Yoga!!!!

    In order to see what this can do, go to YouTube and search for DDP Yoga, and then watch the "Never, Ever Give Up" video.

    I do DDP Yoga each morning and the burn, the improvement in strength and flexibility is all awesome!
  • siankearney
    siankearney Posts: 23 Member
    Any idea about how many calories DDP burns? I have heard about this but don't personally know anyone who does it. How long are the dvd's too?
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    DVDs range from 15 minute core workout to a 69 minute killer.

    You do this thing called "dynamic resistance" which is basically tensing every muscle and moving your body as if you're pushing through clay. It's super hard and can obvsiouly be as hard or as easy as needed.

    I dont actually monitor caloried burned but some of the people that do post 200-300 cal burns in half an hour which is pretty awesome.
  • siankearney
    siankearney Posts: 23 Member
  • siankearney
    siankearney Posts: 23 Member
    Any idea what the calorie burn is on the Jillian DVD? Just curious.