What's Been Up? Let's Get Back on the Saddle
Fit For Purpose Pals, Wow it has been over two years since I've posted. To make a long story short, I succombed to distractions and lost focus on my weightloss plan. I gained a promotion at work and started doing a lot traveling. I worked more on school, so I am almost ready to start my project for my doctorate. In…
Bible Study Fellowship
If you are looking for a good Bible Study Course, visit the link below to find a class of BSF near you. http://www.bsfinternational.org/Home/tabid/53/Default.aspx
Fast Food Diet Plan (For Those on The Go)
Is your life moving so fast that most of your meals are fast food? Here is an article on WebMD for those people who are eating fast food for most of their meals. These are NOT better choices than options of fruits and vegetables, but if you have limited access and options, this may work. Be conscious of the high sodium…
Are you a Weight loss Backslider? Let's Find Redemption!
Are you struggling to make progress in your weight loss journey? Are you at a weight loss plateau? Do you need to talk through a strategy to get some momentum going? Are you distracted by life and cannot seem to get traction to see consistent progress? Do you need some help identifying the gaps in your weight loss plan?…
Two For Two In Two Challenge Until April 30th!
Who among us want to join me in a challenge to lose at least two lbs in two weeks? Here is what you do: 1- Look at your food journal and determine what TWO food items you need to TURN DOWN for the next TWO WEEKS. 2- Reply to this post and list what you will commit to as your "turn down" foods. 3- Then you just FAST, PRAY…
Challenge for the month of May
WVU, please post the challenge for the month of May that would help you the most. Looks like we've got to break the stronghold of Fried Food for you. You mentioned a spiritual and food challenge, correct? You choose it this time.
Lesson 3: Remedies To Optimize your Digestive Health , with
Out fitters, I have realized that taking time to clean out spiritually and physical helps us regain balance in life. Some people choose to observe a spiritual cleansing during Lent, which has just passed. However it is never to late to start. It is important in our Fit For Purpose approach that we seek to have a cleansing…
Remember Resurrection Day and Why We Have Easter
Fellow Fitness Pals: On this Resurrection Day, let us remember our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! He died for our sins and our shortcomings on Good Friday. Our sins are those things that tempt us from doing God's righteous will. This includes our struggles with over eating, under eating, and eating as comfort for…
Healthy Eating Tips
Let's get everyone on the same path, on healthy eating. Here is a sight I ran across that is a good guide. Copy and paste it in your browser: http://helpguide.org/life/healthy_eating_diet.htm What healthy eating tips do you have to share?
Back To Eden - ( A Song to Help Us Overcome Temptation)
Out-Fit-Ers: This song is a good reminder of Lesson 2. It is by a gospel artist named Donald Lawrence. It is also a good song to feed your spirit as you work out! Paste this link in your browser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7clB6JcNIA When God made man, He made a spirit It was His plan, that we live blessed The tempter…
Lesson 2: Walk By Faith and Not By Sight
Hey Out-Fit-ers! ( we are seeking our "new outift" as we become Fit For Purpose. It will not look the same as unfit for purpose) I have heard the following verse many times, but since I started seeking God in this new effort, I have a new revelation for it,. For we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7 NJKV). Our…
Lesson 1: What You Need is Different From What You Want
Memorize these scriptures to encourage yourself to learn to eat what you need more often than eating what you want. John 15: 5 Phillipians 4:13 Most of us go through life eating what we want. We only eat what we need, once we are diagnosed with a disease and all the things we enjoyed are off limits. We don't learn to…
Songs to Encourage You - I Won't Go Back & He Didn't Have T
Dear Out-Fit-ers Here are some songs to encourage you on your journey. We sung this one today during praise and worship. Copy and paste the link in your browser. This one is called, "I Won't Go Back" by William McDowell. Let the lyrics speak to you, in your new breakthrough to fight for your temple, head on, by choosing to…