Happy New Year to all! Be sure to post your personal mileage goal for Jan 2013 on this thread and then post your progress as you go during the month to cheer each other on to meet our goals together. Cheers!
Hello all! Please be sure to post your new goals for May on this thread so we can cheer each other on to meet them. Check in as often as you would like so we can see everyone's progress. Have a great month!!
A warm welcome to all our new members!! March was a great success! Way to go guys! Please be sure to post your new goals for April on this thread so we can cheer each other on to meet them. :wink:
Be sure to create and post your new goals for March here when you get a chance. Please post them so we can all check in during the month to cheer each other on and on and on!!!
Today one of our members ReverendJim posted the following idea for staying motivated in our March thread. "Here's an idea... I decided to walk the equivalent from Seattle area to Phoenix in 2012. That's a bit more than 100 miles a month. I am tracking my "walk" with Google Maps... it's an idea for you that is fun and for…
Be sure to create and post your new goals for Feb here when you get a chance. Please post them so we can all check in during the month to cheer each other on!!! I'll be inside the rest of the month due to the weather so I would like to complete 300 miles on the stationary bike in Feb. Have a great evening all! Looking…
On track this month with indoor biking.