Medical Bulimia
http://abcnews.go.com/Health/stomach-pumping-machine-makes-calories-disappear/story?id=18164739#.UO246mspxIl So first we had pills that make you crap yourself as a weight loss solution. Then we have fat people hacking their gut apart Now purging is the new cure for being a greedy git. Can someone please slap some sense…
motivation, if it makes you tingle post it
As it says if it motivates you post it pic story what ever. My hero http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUB_MTRynJo&feature=BFa&list=HL1354232996
Over weight people bulking out of obesity
So i was thinking about muscle building and fat loss and got to wondering. Since you can only build a small amount of muscle on a deficit. Plus weight loss is a very slow process and alot of obese people struggle to loose weight and eat at a surplus anyway which is the reason probably 95% of people are obese in the first…
South park Raisng the bar
So who else thought this was the greatest episode ever made? I cried from start to finish.
Reg Park’s Beginner’s Routine
Im planning to start this routine on monday anyone got any comments on it or better yet done it? Also what effect would swapping the front squat for all back squat have? Reg Park’s Beginner’s Routine Workout A: Back Squats 5×5 Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups 5×5 Dips or Bench Press 5×5 Barbell Curls 2×10 Wrist Work 2×10 Calves…
Just how low can i go ?
Im having real trouble finding info on this topic on here and google. Before reading further im only looking for an answer to my question so keep the 1200 cal, starvation mode crap out of the thread. So just how low can i go on my calories and retain most of my muscle mass? Does anyone have any studies showing just how…
So you might have noticed the trolls
Well its all nice letting the mods deal with it but we can act as a group against this menace. go to this website ad trolls contact page https://looksexyagain.myitworks.com/ContactMe We send an email asking if they sell left handed screw drivers under a fake name Spam them back we have fun while stopping this menace ?
Not all music today is rubbish
So from the unpopular opion thread it seems most people think modern music is all terrible so i feel i must offer some alternatives. WARNING may contain small amounts of swearing frightened rabbit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzjERZU3wbY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iaVMKLT_xU&feature=related…