Who's watching it ?? Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan !!!
So for the most part I eat most of my calories at night sometimes after 9pm So if you believe calories in calories out it shouldn't matter but I see so much about not eating 2-3 hours before bed ?
Looking for some small easy bets to keep me (husband) motivated 5lb at time
how do you get thru the weekend with out over eating ? my off days are friday and sunday so i go over on calories. i dont want to hide in my house all weekend. i have cut way back on having beers and over eating but now that im traking everything i do see what i am eat :( so i know why im fat and 50 haha week 2 down 2 lbs
does anyone mix other than mayo with there tunafish ?? looking for a lower fat/ calories
started back on MFP and the gym my main goal is to do 30 minutes (right now) of ellptical but i've added some weights, i do 5-7 weight meachines before, doing 3 set of 10 with not much time between reps about 10-15 seconds and 30-45 seconds bewteen machines. so am i getting anything out of it ? thanks fat and 50
so 1st week back on MFP and lost 2.5 lbs............but before MFP i would have big lunchs anything i want for dinner and top it off with icecream at night mix in a few beers and maybe a martini or 2 . this week at the gym 5 times eating right and not over eating in the good old days "before 50" i would have lost 10lbs…
this is the 2nd time trying to lose 50lb did it a few years back and gained it all back. my wife has always been on some kind of diet but doesnt stick with it or cheats or doesnt count all the calories/points. how can i convenience her she needs to lose the extra 100lbs. i only think that becauce shes never told me how…