So I was hoping on some advice. I was brought up in the low fat era. Everything seemed to be based upon fat intake. Now I am trying to adjust my thinking to a calorie thinking. My question is this...Which one is more important to watch fat or calories? Should I go ahead and eat that yummy ranch dressing because it fits…
So my "supportive" hubby went & got donuts this morning. I told him several times not to get me one but he did anyway. He said "well, you don't have to eat it" - Knowing full well how much I wanted to eat it. I poured myself a bowl of total and cut up a banana and you know what?? I think my cereal was a LOT better then…
So I was just eating some sugar free chocolate Jello pudding and i wondered if it is better to eat the sugar free which has less calories or the fat free which has more calories but no fat. Any ideas??