I`m trying to convince a friend that working out with heavy weight for women will NOT make you bulky. Can you send along your pics! I would love to show her how right I am!
Just out of curisity, for those who have struggled with weight their whole lives, if you were granted one wish, and had to choose between: 1) $50 million OR 2) the ability to stay at your ideal weight for the rest of your life and eat anything you want, however much you want Which would you choose?
In the past 20 years, I've probably lost the same 25 pounds at least 10 times. So for all intents and purposes, I'm a pro at weight loss. The problem? I've never learned how to maintain a loss. So I lose the weight and either try to keep eating the same way I did when I was dieting or I get to my goal, then go back to the…
I am a single mom with a 2 1/2 year old and a full-time job, and I'm looking for ways to fit exercise into the mix. My day ends at about 9 pm, once my daughter is in bed, I've cleaned up and prepared my lunch and clothes for the next morning. By that time, I am exhausted. I know I have to find the energy to either workout…
Hi, just looking for some feedback on the Kettleworx workout? Are you getting great results? Do you enjoy it? Are you doing any other form of exercise with that?