I am curious, does shoveling show count as exercise? I have about 150 feet of drive way to shovel and will not have time to do my normal exercise. If it does count, how do you count it? We don't have a snow blower I have to shovel to get out.
I find that even if I am below in my calories each day, my fat intake tends to be above by at least 5 grams. The average is 10 grams. Is this something I should worry about for weight loss? I am not worried about cholesterol as all of my tests have always been in the middle of normal in the past. I am more worried on how…
I need to get a scale and want to get an accurate one that is not very expensive. Any suggestions? I don't need one that will do anything special like calculate BMI, just one that gives accurate weight.
I am looking for low fat, diabetic friendly recipes. I have had some trouble finding ones that do not call for exotic ingredients or soy products in them. I live with my mother and we are on a tight budget. She has an allergy to soy and a lot of prepared foods include this. I have been trying to find recipes where the…
In order to avoid diabetes and weight induced heart issues, I need to loose 68 pounds. I have both issues in my family and am doing my best to avoid them. Support always helps,