is anyone doing cathe's sts program?
Hello, Just wondering if anyone is or has done the STS program by Cathy Freiderich (sp?) I checked out the website and for the price, I am curious about feedback. Any info, good or bad, will be helpful. Thanks, Sheryl
what time of day do you exercise - poll topic
Hi there! I have been MIA for a long time and have finally gotten back to the cleaner eater and regular exercise. I have had a change in jobs which allows alot more freedom for workouts, which leads me to my question. What are your personal pro's and con's to what time of day you work out...morning, afternoon or evening?…
too much of a good thing? Peanut Butter.....
I am a very, very active 40 year old woman....I usually work out in the am - long hikes, etc - I usually eat oatmeal before my o'dark thirty work outs. When I come home, I am craving a triple decker PB&J sandwich. Now, mind you, this is made on Arnold's Whole Wheat bread, Skippy Natural Pb and reduced sugar jelly. (Could…
ammonia smell after long intense hiking
Has anyone else experienced an ammonia smell (mostly smell it in the back of my nose if that makes any sense) after a longer work out. Intense hiking is my first choice of working out at the moment...I hike most of the trail at a fast pace, but any hills - we run up them to help create a kinda HIIT experience. These hikes…
ok ladies...please pay attention to
Everyone~ It is with great sadness that I even feel the need to vent/rant abou tthis....please, please pay attention to the signs in your gym locker rooms asking you to lock your lockers.....I had finished my cardio last evening at my gym and went to my locker to put my ipod back in so I could finish up with my ab workout…
Finally off of the blood pressure medication!!!!woot woot
Hi all....just had to share that I finally got the okay from my doctor to stop taking my blood pressure medication all together!!! It was my goat to try exercise and diet and alter my lifestyle so that I was not relying on a pill everyday and the hard work has paid off!!! They never did figure out why my bp was so high (no…
ammonia smell after working out???? anyone else experience t
Hello, This is the 2nd time that this has happened in the last 2 months....after a good workout at the gym - approx 45 mins strength training upper body and then 45 mins on the arc trainer I go to do my crunches and once I lay down on the mat, I smell this ammonia odor in my nose....I drank 24 oz of water during workout…
whey protein powders
Hello all.. Quick question...anyone have positive or negative feedback about whey protein powders that are on the market? I currently am using Muscle Milk, but a co-worker just showed me something that they had purchased at WalMart called Muscle Fortress (I think)...the stuff from Wallyworld actually had a higter…
ratio of fat loss vs muscle loss
Hi all....Well, I have been seeing a nutritionist for the past month or so to try and add lean muscle (a quack dr had me on a protein retricted diet for htn, but, there was nothing wrong with my kidneys...exercise and cutting back on the salt seemed to solve the hbp issues but I lost alot of lean muscle mass). Now, I am…
another newbie!!
Hi folks!!! Looking forward to learning how to improve my lifestyle with diet and exercise!! From what I have read so far....there seems to be a wealth of knowledge and support here. Just reading how committed some of you are with your posts...nudges you/me to get my act in gear and do the same!!!
is it better to go cold turkey or wean yourself slowly
Okay...I just joined and am ready to start a new path....my diet pretty much sucks!!! Typical poptarts for breakfast and lunch, diet soda all day long, and red meat (hamburger, steak or hot wings for dinner)....not having much of a weight issue, just want to feel better and have more energy. I feel run down all the time!!!…