As a 54 year old female with 100+ to loose. WHAT KIND OF WEIGHT LIFTING SHOULD I BEGIN WITH? I want to begin incorporating weight lifting..... where do I begin? Thank you in advance.
There is a guy at my gym who is so noisy. Every time he lifts a weight he grunts so loud, it's annoying. I'm not going to say anything to him but really, do you have to grunt so loud the entire gym can hear it? All of us make some noise, especially on the super heavy weights, but this guy.... every weight it's…
Why is it easier for me to decline invites than attend and let them see how much weight I've gained? Today I will attend a party where I will see people I haven't seen in a couple of years. They are nice enough people - friends of friends. My natural instinct is to decline the invite. I'd rather not go than have to show up…
I'm brand new and excited. The fitbit looks great, but over the years I've spent a lot of money on gadgets I've use for a week or two and put away. The fitbit is expensive. Have you use it? Is it worth the $$ Thanks in advance