Running with stroller/calorie question
Now that the weather is getting nicer, I'm excited to be able to shed my winter running gear and start bringing along my 2-year old on some of my longer runs (I started training for my first half in December...all of my long runs have been solo because of the temperature). He lasts anywhere from 7 miles to 10 miles before…
Fish Ideas
For my New Year's resolution, I decided to try one new food goal each month. I've declared this month "Fish February" in an attempt to work more fish into my diet. I like fish...I like fish a lot. I just tend not to branch out past canned tuna, pre-cooked salmon, or a piece of fish baked in the oven with a little olive oil…
Daycare Drama
So this isn't about losing weight or eating healthy at all, but I am having childcare issues and figured a group of moms might be the place to look for advice. My stepsister and I had our baby boys close to the same time last winter. My stepmother decided, at the time, that she wanted to watch the boys while we worked. I'm…
Introducing myself!
Hi! I had my baby boy on December 19 through an emergency C-section. At the time I got pregnant last spring, I had lost 35 pounds and was always exercising, super excited about eating healthy, etc. I gained 50 pounds while pregnant, and am currently 25 pounds above where I would like to be. Started logging on here a couple…
Fell! Need some reassurance.
So...most days I love my dog. Today, not so much. When I getting ready to load him up to take him to the vet, he got so excited that he took off running off the side of my porch to the car...while his leash was wrapped around my wrist. Well, he's 80 pounds of dog and I wasn't prepared at all, and he pulled me down. I fell…
New and absolutely freaked out.
Hi ladies! Little bit of background information: I was diagnosed with PCOS a couple of years ago. tried to get pregnant for awhile with no luck...did 6 months of Clomid last year and they couldn't even get me to ovulate, let alone conceive. My husband left to do a few months of military duty last fall, and that's when I…
Why do I run like a turtle?
I have been holding back from asking for advice, because this is embarrassing....but I am so frustrated. I have been running since last fall. I posted awhile back about how my legs were getting tired before I had run as far as I wanted, I took everyone's advice to heart, and my legs are doing much better. I enjoy my runs,…
Kid-friendly food ideas for upcoming health fair?
Our elementary school's second annual "Family Food, Fun, and Fitness" event is coming up on April 24. I'm our school's wellness coordinator and am in the process of planning out the event. Last year's was great and I would like for this year's to be even better! I have lots of vendors signed up to come and do different…
Friends close to/at maintenance?
So, I am now fairly close to the point at which I would like to start maintaining...I am at 136 and want to be in the low 30's. As I'm getting to that point, it's starting to get harder to stay on track and I'm not entirely sure the best way to adjust my diet...when I was on a "1 and a half to 2 pounds a week" plan, it…
So...was going through my camera today and...
I have kind of been avoiding old pictures of myself for awhile...but today I was looking for something from awhile back on my camera. I can now kind of see the difference that other people see. To me, I have kind of looked pretty much the same since losing weight. But looking at the comparison, I'm starting to see a…
Tired legs!
I started running again after a ten-year break last fall, when I started losing weight. At first, I couldn't even run a quarter of a mile without getting winded...but as the weight came off and I kept running, it became easier and easier and I absolutely love it. The problem I'm running into now, however, is that I can't…
So I just found out the plan is to go out for sushi tomorrow night for dinner...which is all well and good, but I want to keep it low-calorie because I am planning a cheat meal on Saturday. We go out for sushi a lot, and my standard meal since I started counting calories last fall has been miso soup, edamame, seaweed…
Anyone else have a deadline?
I just realized that I am officially in the last month of my Biggest Loser competition at work...our end date is March 16. Yikes! My husband says that I shouldn't worry and that, for anyone to catch up with me at this point, they would have to "lop off an arm or a leg"...but I want to be absolutely sure that I finish…
New and saying "hi"....
I joined about a week ago but haven't really had a chance to sit down and introduce myself. I joined a Biggest Loser competition at work in October and, since then, have gone from 170 pounds to about 142...I am thrilled about this, but seem to have slowed down a little (okay...quite a bit, actually) and would really like…