Lean Venus: Photoshopped thinner
My sister had this up on her facebook and I thought it was interesting and that MFP might get a kick out of it. I do not read French, but as I can tell the title is something along the lines of: "What would Venus look like in accordance with the modern standards of beauty?" Italian artist Anna Utopia Giordano photoshopped…
Body Fat Testing with Calipers
I just received a pair of calipers in the mail. I know they take a little experience and know-how to use correctly, so I'm still figuring things out, but I do have one question that I think you all might be able to answer for me. I'm trying to figure out what formula to use to calculate body fat % with the measurements I…
How much cardio do you do?
I'm new to NROLFW (finishing up my third week) and I'm wondering how much cardio you other NROLFW-ers do? I'm doing easy 15-20 minute jogs/biking on lifting days, and then 10 minutes HIIT and 10 minutes cooldown plus 15-20 minutes stretching on non-lifting days. So, not a lot. I'm hitting 5 days per week, but only 20…
Squats: dumbbells or smith?
I use the free gym at my office. It has awesome cardio equipment and a lot of dumbbells, but no bar or squat rack. That leaves my choices for squats to be dumbbells or the Smith. Which is going to be the better choice?
QUEER: Empowering label or hate word?
We have a pretty diverse group here in this group, and this is a question that has been nagging at me. The word "queer". I'll explain my position first. Where I went to high school, gay wasn't "okay", but there also wasn't open hate speech. The homophobia was more ... underhanded. Indirect and nasty, but you never heard…
Not to overshare, but when I woke up this morning my uterus felt like it had been on the losing side of a bar fight. As I ached my way through my work day, stoically sipping green tea and telling myself that I would 1) not take an entire bottle of Midol and 2) not spend the day crying in a bathroom stall ...I got to…
TDEE and BMR: are they the same thing?
NO. If your BMR is 1800 and you eat 1200 calories a day, then your deficit is not 600 calories daily. Period. End of story. ENDE. V KONTZE. :flowerforyou:
Any Clydesdale/Athena runners out there?
If so, I'd love to hear about your race experience! I'm thinking about doing some CARA (Chicago Area Runners Association) races through the weight divisions. I'm trying to figure out what exactly the benefits are/how it makes the race (or results) experience different. Also -- I'm sure there are, but do you know of any…
Looking for short, curly hair styles!
My hair is very curly. And it's already short, but I need to get it trimmed and the alst style my stylist gave me was just BAD. So now I'm appealing to you for photos I can take to a new stylist! Send me links/photos to fabulous curly and short hairstyles, and you will have my thanks! (Short short. Not chin length -- we're…
Exercise NSV
I was really down yesterday. I mean, I was super-duper low. I was stressing about some very bad decisions on the parts of my friends (engagements, eating disorders...heavy stuff) and a lot of that stress was being redirected to where it always goes -- a lot of negative, hating self-talk. You know the kind, "I'm so fat",…
Crispy Baked Chicken -- golden and delicious!
I made this last night on a whim, and I was BLOWN AWAY by how delicious it was! I had to pass it along. Serves: 2 12 oz of boneless skinless chicken breast 1 tbsp butter (I used butter with olive oil) 1/3 cup instant potato flakes 2 tsp chili powder 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1/2 large yellow onion 1 egg white Salt and pepper…
Give a title, get an electronic hug!
Hi everyone! Last November, I particpated in NaNoWriMo (that's National Novel Writing Month --- go to nanowrimo.com to check it out!) and I completed the contest! A major achievement, as I've always wanted to write a novel, but could never get longer than a short story! I'm still editing and working out the kinks, but…
I don't need everyone in my life to be supportive...
...but it would be nice if they were, you know? In general, the people in my life have been pretty great! My dad especially, telling me that he's very proud of me. He was always a gym buff when he was younger, so I think he likes to see one of his daughters become one too, lol! My issue has been more with my stepmom and my…
NSV from the weekend!!
This weekend was just an AWESOME weekend! I ate well, even with a brunch buffet, and stayed under my calorie goals. And to add a little more awesomeness to a great weekend, we were visiting my partner's parents in the suburbs. I had noticed BF's mom looking at me a little strangely all day. That night, she was making me a…
My before and during
My weight loss journey started quick, and has slowed. I'm happy that it slowed down, though, and that I'm doing a decent job with maintanence. I wanted to share my journey so far with you. I have lost 25 lbs (although only 20 in the before and after I'm sharing) and, although it's small, I feel like a new person. I don't…
Building strength and calories
I posted a similar topic yesterday, but I had additional questions that I would like answered, and that I think other could benefit hearing about, as well. The previous topic was about whether or not you can build muscle strength training on a calorie deficit, and what happens to your body/what the benefit of strength…
Strength/weight training with a calorie deficit
I'm looking for information here. I've been having difficulty finding any on this particular topic. What I want to know if, what happens when you do heavy weight training while running on a calorie deficit? I know that when the goal is to build up muscle, you should be running on a calorie surplus (with lots of protein),…
Protein supplement recs please
So, it has come to this. I must admit the truth: there is NO WAY I can meet my custom macros (40-30-30 carb-protein-fat) without a protein supplement. I know this is silly, but I've avoided supplements like the plague. I told myself I could do it "naturally" by just changing my eating habits. But I can see now that it's…
About 2-3 months ago, I bought a dress in a size 6. It pulled a little on my hips and a lot on my chest, but it was cute and my boyfriend insisted it wasn't to tight. (Note to other ladies w/ boyfriends/husbands -- Do not believe them. They lie about these things.) I wore it once, decided it was too small, and, sadly, put…
Strength training -- looking for tips!
I try to be a well-balanced gym goer. In a 45-60 minute session at the gym, I spend 25-40 minutes on cardio, and 15-20 on strength training. I find this to be a pretty good balance. And, while I have definitely found myself getting stronger, I worry that I don't vary my weight routine enough. I'm almost embarassed to post…
The Bra Conundrum
It's a problem. One that plagues a lot of us lad MFP-ers. I call it: The Bra Conundrum. It seems that we ladies losing weight have a more-than-average difficulty in finding bras that fit. Many of us simply don't fit into the Victoria Secret sizes. 34C? I'm sure many of us wish that were the case. Try 36Fs, 30DDs, etc.etc.…
Bench press technique -- advice needed
I've been doing bench press exercises (with dumbbells) for about 9 months now. I just recently added on another 10 lbs to my weight on Friday. Today, I wasn't just sitting on my desk, when I looked down a suddenly -- ouch! It feels like I've pulled a muscle in the front of my neck! Right under my chin, in my throat, with…
Looking for a good routine to build core strength
So, I've been working out for about a year now, and doing strength building for about 9 months. I've really increased my arm/chest/upper back strength, and done a decent job on my lower body (which was always very strong, so I didn't focus on that). However, I think my core strength is lacking, and since I love to run I'd…
25 down, and a major milestone accomplished!
Well, I finally did it! I am down a nice, full, round, and WONDERFUL 25 lbs! I am also now in the weight decade of my high school years: today I broke out of the 160s with 159. I haven't been 159 since high school. I can't believe it! I don't think that I've been 159 since puberty ended! So, today -- despite all the drama…
Food addiction -- real or excuse?
http://bodyodd.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/07/13/7077006-whether-its-food-or-drugs-addiction-is-the-same-new-study-finds I just read this article on a study conducted that looked at food addiction, and found it to be psycholgically and physicologically similar (identical, perhaps) to drug and alcohol addiction. The article…
What's the best cardio?
I'm hitting the gym for 40 minutes during my lunch today, but I can't seem to make up my mind about cardio. I have no pre-existing injuries and, as is, I walk a lot. I'm trying to choose between biking, elliptical, running, and rowing. Anyone have anything to weigh in with regarding the benefits of each?
How to keep the weight off -- how to make changes to maintai
http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/43638623/ns/today-today_health/ I found this article really interesting, and I wanted to share! Below is a chunk of the article, but there is more if you go to the link above! "What works to keep the weight off? The researchers analyzed survey responses from 926 people who were overweight…
Stir-fry sauce recipes!
Looking for some good sauce recipes to accompany tonight's chicken and vegetable (mostly broccoli) stir-fry. What's yours?
How to Cut Carbs
I just read an enlightening article about the somatotypes and appropriate dieting. I am an endo mesomorph -- I've always been a natural athlete, but I do have a tendency to put on fat easily. From what I've been reading, fat loss for endomorph is best achieved with 40-40-20 macros (protein-carbs-fat). When I input these…
What to bring for 4th of July
Hi everyone! I'm sure many of us are revving up for the 4th of July this weekend (well, next Monday, whatever) and I was wondering if anyone had some ideas as to what I could bring! My family is really "fancy" and really unhealthy. Lots of butter and bacon involved in most cooking. My older sister and I, though, both eat…