Food addiction -- real or excuse?


I just read this article on a study conducted that looked at food addiction, and found it to be psycholgically and physicologically similar (identical, perhaps) to drug and alcohol addiction. The article points out that not all obese people are food addicts and, in fact, it seems to be a small portion of the people tested.

However, as interesting as the article was (and it is -- check it out!) the comments section was lit up with debate about whether or not food addiction is a real condition or just an excuse for people who are overweight/obese.

I posted my opinion in the comments section, but I'm interested in bringing this (FRIENDLY) debate (it wasn't so friendly over there) to the MFP forum, to get the opinions of people who are very involved with the food decisions and eating process.

So what do you think -- is food addiction real addiction, comparable to drug/alcohol addictions, or is it just a way for society to allow obese and overweight individuals to be victims of biology instead of victims of choice?

(I'm going to keep my opinion out of it, because I really do want to see what arguments people have for either side. PLEASE keep this friendly, I would hate to have caused unnecessary cattiness/rudeness/cruelty.)


  • fowlmeli1093
    fowlmeli1093 Posts: 199
    I have recently given up alcohol because I was starting to show addictive behaviors for it...I LOVE drinking (ALOT) just as much as I love food...Once I start drinking, I drink a lot...once I start eating--I eat a lot! In both cases, once I start, it is soooo hard to stop myself. The good thing about quitting drinking is you can stop cold-turkey, but you need food..can't cold turkey food!
  • veggiepug
    veggiepug Posts: 82
    I'm kind of on the fence on this one. For a long time I felt like it was used as an excuse. The last 6 months or so I have been feeling very out of control with my eating, and wondered if I might have an addiction to food. I even went to an OA meeting. I do think there are some people who have a much harder time controlling their eating than others, but I don't know if it's a "true" addiction like drugs or alcohol.
  • veggiepug
    veggiepug Posts: 82
    I have recently given up alcohol because I was starting to show addictive behaviors for it...I LOVE drinking (ALOT) just as much as I love food...Once I start drinking, I drink a lot...once I start eating--I eat a lot! In both cases, once I start, it is soooo hard to stop myself. The good thing about quitting drinking is you can stop cold-turkey, but you need food..can't cold turkey food!

    So true! It's a different kind of struggle because we have to eat to survive.

    I have the same problem with alcohol. I don't drink too often, but when I do I almost always drink too much. I think I have an addictive personality, and it manifests in my eating habits as well.
  • calicat40
    calicat40 Posts: 37 Member
    i come from a long line of obsessive compulsive people. my parents and sister all have the cigarette addiction, we also have alcoholics in our family. My addiction is definately food. I realized when I woke up in the morning and thought about what can i eat now I had a problem. just like an alcoholic that gets up and first thing in their mind is what can they drink or how soon? It is definately something I have to learn to control, unlike the other addictions I can't completely give up foods but I can make better choices, smaller choices and more educated choices. That's my goal and what I am working toward and yes, I became banded two years ago. It is a tool that has helped me immensly in not gaining back the weight I've gained. It also an annoying tool when I become stressed and try to binge eat it won't allow me to. Addiction? you bet.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If you boil it down to the simple fact that a person has an unhealthy/unbalanced "relationship" with whatever thing (drugs, food, alcohol, sex) then sure, they're about the same and I think there can definitely be food addiction.
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    It can be real, just as you can be addicted to alcohol, gambling, or smoking. It's likely more psychological than physical for most, but that doesn't make it easier to deal with. I don't tend to have addictions generally, but I have seen people who really obsess over food. I guess I'm obsessing over diet and exercise right now, always reading MFP and nutrition labels. ;)
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    The study used a survey, typically used to identify drug addiction, to identify food addicts. This includes more measurable parameters and behaviors -- such as retreating socially in order to indulge in the behavior, considering treatment/stopping but being unable to do so, prioritizing the behavior or substance above everything else, etc.

    The study also references another study conducted that found that food and alcohol addiction are similar, in that the abused substance "work on our brain reward pathways in the same way.” Furthermore, certain fatty foods, often identified with addictive eating behaviors, "trigger the body to produce chemicals much like those found in marijuana [...] These chemicals, called "endocannabinoids," are part of a cycle that keeps you coming back for just one more bite."

    If this is true, what should treatment for food addiction be?

    (NOTE: Food addiction is related to, but different from, binge eating.)
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    I have recently given up alcohol because I was starting to show addictive behaviors for it...I LOVE drinking (ALOT) just as much as I love food...Once I start drinking, I drink a lot...once I start eating--I eat a lot! In both cases, once I start, it is soooo hard to stop myself. The good thing about quitting drinking is you can stop cold-turkey, but you need food..can't cold turkey food!

    I agree with your last comment.... you cant wuit food cold turkey... no pun intended lol I am the same way though. I love to drink, used to drink every weekend to the point of pass out and I knew it was contributing to my wieght gain.... once joining MFP i pretty much stopped drinking. But again you cant do that with food. I think what you can do is replace all the crappy food (chips, sode, candy, fatty foods, etc.) with good healthy foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains etc then you can overcome the "addiction". I have a friend that is severely obese, and Ive seen him eat and when he eats he doesnt stop. A tone sitting he ate 4 hotdogs and 2 burgers plus half a bag of potato chips and soda. I asked him if he was eating because he was still hungry or because it tastes good and he didnt give me an answer.... but i can promise that if I had made salad and healthy food he wouldnt have eaten that much!!!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    How can it be fake? Addiction is simply using something unhealthy to not deal with emotional problems, and eventually having to rely on it to function. While some people may use it as a cop-out, it's honestly a real thing, and to just say "they don't have any will power" is the same moralist crap that was done back in the days to drug addicts and alcoholics.
  • changeisgood55
    Some of the over eating is just out of habit too. If you're sitting watching TV at night you have to have snacks. If you're sitting at your desk at work you need something to munch on. If you drive pass the same McDonalds everyday why not stop. You have to break the habits and replace them with positive habits. It's not easy and sometimes you may need professional help to break the habit. So much depends on our minds and what we think. If we change the thought pattern our actions will follow.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    How can it be fake? Addiction is simply using something unhealthy to not deal with emotional problems, and eventually having to rely on it to function. While some people may use it as a cop-out, it's honestly a real thing, and to just say "they don't have any will power" is the same moralist crap that was done back in the days to drug addicts and alcoholics.

    Tell 'em Swiggy!
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    I believe it is very much the same thing, if not worse. You can chose to quit smoking, drugs, drinking, but you will always have to eat food of some sort.
    You can stay out of bars, crack head hoods, etc, but you will always have to grocery shop, drive by 1000 mc donalds everyday. No one forces you to make bad choices or shove crap in your mouth, but its really hard when its in your face 24/7

    Can it be an excuse? Yes. Life is hard, food is easy.
    Losing weight is hard, being fat is hard. Time to pick your hard and get it together.
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    I remember feeling so embarrassed that i thought about food all the time. Now i think about healthy food but i still have my meals bouncing around in my head often. I think the main difference between a drug/food addiction is we need to eat to survive.
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    How can it be fake? Addiction is simply using something unhealthy to not deal with emotional problems, and eventually having to rely on it to function. While some people may use it as a cop-out, it's honestly a real thing, and to just say "they don't have any will power" is the same moralist crap that was done back in the days to drug addicts and alcoholics.

    Tell 'em Swiggy!

    What he said!
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    well its not a debate because i suffer from it and yes , it is VERY real.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I think there is food addiction and I think there is emotional eating.......When youre 600 lbs and you eat to live and youre at 600 lbs, somethings wrong upstairs..........when you can t move, you cant walk, youre housebound or bedboundand need people to take care of your needs, then its some type of mental disorder

    I can understand the emotional eating, I used to be that way, kinda sorta am now, but I cant do that anymore, so I dont.........99.9 percent of the time, lol

    I rarely drink, it leads to bad food choices, and I dont miss it...........for real, I dont. Being thinner means more to me than drinking

    Good posts though ,all this information helps me suceed this time and like I have said more than once, Im never going back to that black hole I used to live in at 359 lbs.......................great post, thanks OP.................Lloyd
  • saltorian
    saltorian Posts: 192 Member
    I believe that every individual has his or her own struggles to face in life, and only that person knows his or her true and whole story. What I'm saying is, you can choose to label something as "an addiction" or you can call it something else -- but I don't believe in labeling things that way. Life isn't that black and white. No matter how small or large our problems are, we all need to take responsibility and have the courage to face the challenges in front of us.

    For some people, this may mean doing some serious self-reflection, re-ordering their priorities, and just plain getting real with themselves. Other people may need to reach out for more help -- whether that be something as simple as the support of a friend or loved one, or as complex as therapy, medication, and professional intervention. I guess what I mean to say is: Everyone is different. Our circumstances, challenges, and abilities are different. Some things that are easy for one person are huge, nearly insurmountable obstacles for another person.

    "Addiction" can be used as an excuse, but it can also be a way to productively describe a problem that needs to be solved. The difference is in whether a person wants to change and is fighting to better themselves (no matter how hard that is or how long it takes), or they just haven't reached that point in their lives yet.

    That's my two cents, anyway.
  • nibblerbigcat
    I want to point out that "food addiction" isn't just from emotional problems. Many people claim they are "addicted" to food and aren't suffering psychologically. Many people who are overweight aren't depressed. Some people do eat because they can't handle their own emotions, but that's not the case for everybody.

    I don't believe that food addiction is legitimate as drug or alcohol addiction. Drugs and alcohol are carcinogenic. Food isn't. People suffer from withdrawal symptoms when they stop abusing drugs and alcohol. People don't suffer from withdrawal symptoms after eating less, except losing weight.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    It's real. I'm addicted to food, I always have been, even when I was fit and skinny I was still addicted, I just did enough excercise to keep it in check.
  • oBirdieo
    oBirdieo Posts: 148
    I'm addicted to food. That's all the proof I need to determine whether or not it's a real addiction.