getting RE-started AND trying for a baby :)
So, I've gotten off track for a little while and gained a couple of pounds (but I know how fast those couple pounds can grow) so I'm back at it, starting today - back on my elliptical - cutting the coffee (cream and sugar with a little coffee ), mt. dew and sweets back down. BUT this time around is a little different - my…
Raw diet questions...
I know some people eat a raw diet (I don't know if that's the correct phrasing for it). I know this is mainly fruits and vegetables, but could someone tell me what a typical raw meal would consist of and how often do you need to be eating to keep your energy up? I'm not planning to switch to a completely raw diet, but I…
the weight of the world
How can I (without being a jerk) get other people in my life to realize that they need to be healthier?? everyone can benefit from eating healthier and getting exercise, how do you make them see that!? When my progress posts to Facebook, people say "oh, you look great, wish I could do that" and they can, but they don't…
jumping off the bandwagon...
Well, my goal was to be 115 by the time we leave for vacation (day after tomorrow) and I met my goal!! I'm gonna be on vacation with no logging, no elliptical, and no worries about what I am eating (within reason of course, i'm not just going to pig out all the time, but also not going to limit myself as much as I have…
feeling pretty good :D
I just put on my dress from senior prom (2005) and it fits again!!!!! It's a little more snug than it was back then, but it zipped all the way up!! I'm so happy about that. Just need to tone up the tummy a little bit more, and maybe i'll put it on and have my hubby take me out. Won't he be shocked to see me in it again, he…
I set out with a goal of toning up and being in better shape - dropping a couple of pounds, but nothing drastic as I started at 127 Let me stop there and give a short background - I was always scrawny when I was young, I could eat and eat, but I stayed under 100lbs no matter what I did and then I turned 20, all the sudden…
apparently, it's frowned upon to use ur name as ur user name (creepers pop up) so, what should i make my new name (i'm not so creative) i tried to change it to MissCrys, but it's taken, as is just plain "Crys" ....hmmmm
Does it become an addiction?
I started out just wanting to drop a few pounds, which I have. I set my goal weight to 115lbs, but what I really wanted was to just be below 120 (even if it's 119.9) just to see a "teen" number on the scale. Now, I feel like 119 is not enough, will 115 be? I don't want to just keep losing and losing until i'm nothing but…