The difference between types of oil
Can someone help me and try to sum up the differences between olive oil and vegetable oil and canola oil, etc.? Are there any types that should be avoided?
Who wants to hear my good news of the day?
Well even if you don't I'm gonna tell you anyway! In addition to hitting a new "decade" today (179!), I just realized I've lost exactly 70 lbs since my highest weight ever! I was so focused on getting to 179, I almost missed my 70 lb mark! I was on the elliptical what I realized it, and was so shocked that I started to…
What's worse, sugar or salt?
It seems I can't get both under control at the same time...if I'm over on sugar, I'm okay on salt. I'm under on sugar, I'm over on salt! Any tips?
Yesterday I went to babysit my nieces and nephew, aged 3 - 9. I cringe when I see them eat! It kills me! Yesterday for dinner, my 9 year old niece had two bowls of corn pops for dinner. Dinner! That was after eating candy, and a cup of chocolate pudding. The other two kids had a slice of pizza. I said "Well, your dinner…
Is there such a website...
...where you can enter in ingredients that you've got in the kitchen, and from those ingredients a healthy recipe is born?
Can I make my own frozen yogurt?
Or maybe some other kind of treat instead of ice cream? Ice cream is a weakness. I'm trying to avoid even low-fat ice cream...I'd rather make something a bit healthier on my own if I could. Any tips would be appreciated! I was thinking I could blend up my own fruit smoothie using yogurt, and freeze that. How do you think…
$10 Survey
I was at the gym today and saw an ad for a paid survey. I made a mental note of the site, and just went there now. There was a quick survey on TV commercials that air on the TV at the gym. At the end you put in your name and address, and they'll mail you a check for $10 for taking the time to do the survey. RMGFitness.com…
"Freaky Eaters"
There's some show I'm watching on TLC called "Freaky Eaters", and on this particular episode, this 20 year old girl has a serious cola addiction. She drinks at least 30 cans of cola a day! And she doesn't want to stop. Man, I thought I was bad when I'd go through a 12 pack of Pepsi in two days! Aside from that, all she…
Mileage tracker apps?
Do you guys know of any (preferably free) iPhone apps that track the miles that you run/bike? I go on the trail by my house a few times a week but have no idea how many miles it is. Thanks!
I wish the gym had a cell phone scrambler!
Or some type of device that as soon as you walked in the door, you couldn't talk on the phone. Today at the gym, I had one guy to my left on the phone rattling away the entire time. To my right, a woman rattling away the entire time. It's so distracting! Yes I have headphones on but in order to block out your conversation,…
Running barefoot
I've heard of running barefoot before, and how in some cases it'd better than running with shoes on. Over the last week or so, I've seen the same guy running barefoot a few times. I don't know how he does it, aren't his feet killing him?! I know you build up calluses and all, but still! And his feet were black! :laugh: It…
Baked chicken
Can someone help me? I'm almost completely inept in the kitchen :laugh: , and I want to bake chicken breasts. At what temp and for how lond do I bake them? Any tips? Should I try to tenderize the breasts to flatten them a bit, maybe it'll be easier to cook that way? Also, if anyone has any healthy recipes, that'd be great…
Yummy Taquitos
Found this recipe online and tried it...it's so good! "I've always loved taquitos but it's not the healthiest dish which has kept me away from them for some time now. I created this recipe for healthy taquitos because it's fast, easy and has the crunch of real deep-fried taquitos. I use a store-bought rotiseree chicken and…
Can I freeze pasta?
Okay so I found a really good, easy pasta dish to make. I wanted to make a ton of it, and freeze it so it doesn't spoil. Will that work? It's just thin spaghetti with diced tomatoes lots of spinach, onions, peppers and shrimp (or chicken). I don't want to make a bunch, then freeze it and if it doesn't work it gets wasted.…
Grilled veggies?
I'm bbq'ing tonight at my brother's house and since I want to eat healthy, I need some ideas of what veggies are good to grill. I've never grilled veggies before, so any tips or ideas are welcome! Sorry if this has been asked already, but I'm on a treadmill right now and it's much easier to ask than search around!…
It happened again!
A stranger came up to me at the gym today and paid me a compliment, telling me that I looked good and she could tell I lost weight! The same thing happened about two months ago. A lady came up to me at the gym and said the same thing. God, it just made my day! I've been having such a hard time getting motivated lately, and…
6,000 calorie burn?!
That's how much Bob on BIggest Loser said a girl's gotta burn each day! Holy moly! They've gotta burn 6,000 all still while taking in 1,200! And guys have to burn 8,000 (I am guessing they take in 1,800?...it wasn't mentioned). They've gotta be dead at the end of the day...I know if I burn 1,000 I'm beat! :laugh: No wonder…
Coca- Cola
I'm watching a documentary on Coke and its history, and it's so interesting! People drink 100 million gallons of coke EVERY DAY! The marketing behind the product is amazing too. They own the shape of their bottle, no other bottle is legally allowed to be shaped the same way. They have a secret lab that has full…
Grilled Cheese Burger Melt?!
Ugh, this looks so disgusting! I just saw this one TV: c cheeseburger that's got TWO GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICHES as the bread! :sick: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/beefing-up-the-gluttony-us-burger-joint-unleashes-1500-calorie-sandwich/article1613861/ 1,500 calories, 97 grams of fat! No wonder why America has such…
iPhone Exercise Apps
Does anyone know of some helpful apps that have cardio exercise videos? I have some that are audio files that were downloaded, but I'd rather have something to watch and workout to while on the treadmill or elliptical.
Me? In a cute dress?
So I have to go to some fancy-schmancy dinner tomorrow night and I was told I had to wear "something fabulous". So I went shopping to find something to wear. Normally I'd wear jeans and a nice top and maybe heels. That's about as dressed up as I get. But I found a couple of cute dresses. I was so shocked when I tried them…
A stranger at the gym made my day!
So I was at the gym today in the locker room, and this woman was doing her hair in the mirror. She turns to me and said "I just have to tell you how good you look! I have been coming here for four months and I see you here all the time, and you look so good. You can see the difference and tell you've been working hard!" I…
Can't wait til Mother's Day is over...
...no offense to the Mommies here, but man I can't wait til this weekend is over. My Mom passed away five years ago this month, and every d@mn time I turn on the TV, turn on the radio, or turn around...it's all about mother's day! I can't escape it. Why don't they have a Don't Have A Mother Day? Oh yeah, I guess that's…
What am I missing here?
I weigh everything faithfully and notice many discrepancies on the nutrition labels. For instance, the single serving of Skinny Cow ice cream cups say that there 5.8 ounces, and one serving per container. I measured it out into a bowl, and it comes to just over 3 ounces! How can that be? I thought maybe there were…
Recipe Adjustment website
I once saw a recipe website that will adjust recipes for you. What I mean is most recipes serve four or six, and on this site you entered in how many servings you wanted to prepare and it adjusted the amount of ingedients automatically. I need to find one because I cook just for myself, I live alone. I don't need or want…
House cleaning as exercise?
Okay so I've got a question. I just started a second part time job doing house cleaning. My question is should I count that as exercise? I do it about two or three days a week, a few hours a day. For instance today, it was a five hour job. Even if I enter it as light to moderate (even though at some times I was SWEATING!)…