Love handles...booooo.
Hi all! I am back here again after a long hiatus, and I am DETERMINED to look the way I want to again! I need your help though. I do not have a "fat tummy"...I have love handles, or a muffin top as I like to call it. You know, when you put on your pants and they mush the fat on your backside to look like the top of a…
Helloooo! Ok, so here's my problem (this has been my problem my entire life): I am a snacker. Not just a snacker, but a LAZY snacker. If I'm bored, I eat. People say "well then drink water when you're hungry." Ok, but then I can't CHEW. It's the motion of my mouth that I need to satisfy my boredom. So people say "chew…
Need a better breakfast
Hello! I have been trying most of my life to find a breakfast food that is quick, filling, and good for you all at the same time. Does anyone have any suggestions? Cereal just isn't cutting it for me (I ate it less than 3 hours ago and I'm already starving...lunch isn't for another 2.5 hours!), and most other things take…
Need a little guidance
Hey guys, Here's my problem: I do not know exactly what kinds of foods I should really eat. I thought if I just pared down what I ate, I'd do well. Well, after a day of "paring," I've only got about 300 more allotted calories I can eat, and I haven't even had dinner yet. Plus, I've been STARVING all day. So my question is,…
Hello, everyone! I just wanted to say "hi" because I am waaaaay new here and am really just using this to watch what I eat. I do not plan to post a picture of myself because I am sick of hearing "but you don't need to lose weight, you're so skinny!" No, I'm not overweight, but I AM unhealthy. You can eat crappy and still…