Need a better breakfast

I have been trying most of my life to find a breakfast food that is quick, filling, and good for you all at the same time. Does anyone have any suggestions? Cereal just isn't cutting it for me (I ate it less than 3 hours ago and I'm already starving...lunch isn't for another 2.5 hours!), and most other things take too long (I already have to get up at 5:30 to get ready on time...I don't want to get up any earlier). Does anyone have any suggestions for something that would hold me for a good 4+ hours without being too calorie or fat filled? Thanks in advance!


  • frogmommy
    frogmommy Posts: 151 Member
    If you add a hard boiled egg to your morning routine, that may help. The protein/fat in the egg will hold you much longer than the cereal. Also, Greek yogurt mixed with berries and some cinnamon are good and quick.
  • solrak1969
    solrak1969 Posts: 92 Member
    Butterball turkey bacon 2 slices, english muffin, dab of tabasco sauce. 165 calories.
  • dore0021
    I think it's time for a snack! If you're hungry, eating every 2-3 hours is the norm. Breaky, snack, lunch, snack, dinner :-)
    For breakfast I have the delicious, bodywise/ww whole wheat wrap with 1 tbsp of peanut butter and 1/4 of a sliced banana. YUM. Somedays it's the only thing that gets me out of bed ;-)
  • johnthefatman
    Porridge - the instant packet kind can be microwaved in 2 mins with whatever low fat milk you prefer ,add yoghurt if you like it and fruit. If porridge isn't your thing look for any Oat based cereals - oats are slower to digest and keep you going longer. You don't say what cereal you use but whatever watch the sugar content.
  • dore0021
    Butterball turkey bacon 2 slices, english muffin, dab of tabasco sauce. 165 calories.

    That sounds delish!
  • indymomof2
    Protein really helps make a person feel fuller longer! Boiled eggs are a great idea to take on the run, as well as fruit and yougurt!!
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member

    I find porridge is easily the most filling. It only takes 2-3 minutes in the microwave. Oats release energy more slowly so will keep you feeling full for longer (than things like corn flakes or bran flaked). And if you are still hungry later on - a piece of fruit or even a small amount of dried fruit or nuts is pretty good.

  • CharityD
    I have a protein shake almost every morning. It's filling and quick!
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    measure out porridge oats the night before (30g), in the morning pour in half a cup of milk and put it in the microwave for 2 mins. while its in there and your waiting put on your shoes or something :) chop half a banana and put on top or some other type of fruit... blueberries, raspberries etc (norm 30-40grams of fruit) also switch it up so you don't get bored - top with raisins or dried cranberries, walnuts or almonds, or a whole mix of everything! I eat some form of this every morning and it hardly ever comes over 300cal - i get up at 5 to be in work for 6, the key is to prepare everything the night before and to try to sit and relax for 5 mins while your eating so your body realizes what's going on - the worst thing to do is eat white concentrating on something else! also drink 2 glasses of water before you eat breakfast and have a cup of green tea or black tea along with it or while traveling to work in a traval mug - this works for me so i hope it helps you out! oh and have a piece of fruit and another 2 glasses of water as a snack somewhere around 10/10:30 and you should make it to lunch no problem!
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    I do instand oatmeal in the microwave as well..the reduced sugar type.
    It fills me up alot longer than most other things & it is delish!
  • Saraj8n
    I do 1 fried egg, 2 pieces turkey bacon, english muffin with sugar free jelly. It's about 250 calories depending on what kind of eng. muffin you get. My fav bf!!

    Or sometimes I do oatmeal (the 1 minute oats in the big container-they are my favorite). This keeps me full for a while too. Hope this helps!
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    I eat a poached egg on top of instant cheese grits........its lowfat and sticks to your ribs till your morning snack or lunch:)
  • fitgirl4life
    fitgirl4life Posts: 111 Member
    If you want to get really lean, then the secret is to eat every 2.5 to 3 hours! I personally couldn't imagine going 4+ hours without food...I would be ravenous. My growling stomach would annoy everyone at work!

    Your body needs a constant supply of nutrition to 1) avoid going into the dreaded starvation mode 2) to keep blood sugar levels even and 3) stop yourself from being so ravenous you make unhealthy food choices.

    I have my 1st breakfast at 6:45 a.m. (at home) and my 2nd breakfast at 9:45 a.m. (at work).

    I have a different breakfast just about every morning: porridge, bagel with cream cheese, home made museli with natural yogurt, natural peanut butter and jam on toast (or not toasted if I'm taking it to work), sultana bran with blueberries, yogurt with grape nuts, and most mornings I have egg whites as well for extra protein....have a look at my food diary for inspiration! I prepare all my food the night before to take to work with me so I'm never without food, and I just keep eating.

    I understand about waking up early and not having time...I need to be very organized as well as I'm out of the house 12 hours/day, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. But you can do it! Good luck :smile:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    No meal should hold you over for 4+ hours. It is best to eat every 3 hours or so, this way you can still have your same breakfast but throw in a snack 3 hours later.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    You're probably not eating the right type of cereal. Protein and fiber fill you up - so try one of the Kashi brand cereals with a little skim or almond milk.

    This morning I made quick oats on the stove. Put 1/4 cup frozen raspberries and 1/4 cup frozen blueberries into it and voila! 210 calories and 9 grams of fiber - next time I'm going to add a bit of brown sugar to make it less bitter. I actually had planned on eating cottage cheese as well, but I was just too full (and still am 2 hours later).

    Also an english muffin with peanut butter with a Greek yogurt or cottage cheese and a banana is another of my quicker breakfasts.

    Just get enough protein and fiber to hold you off.
  • prettylyzard
    prettylyzard Posts: 98 Member
    I think it's time for a snack! If you're hungry, eating every 2-3 hours is the norm. Breaky, snack, lunch, snack, dinner :-)
    For breakfast I have the delicious, bodywise/ww whole wheat wrap with 1 tbsp of peanut butter and 1/4 of a sliced banana. YUM. Somedays it's the only thing that gets me out of bed ;-)

    I agree I think you need a snack in between. But I also agree with adding the hard boiled egg. You can boil a weeks worth on sunday, and then they're ready to go!
  • Brat3073
    i love breakfast and im always looking for new stuff to fix. My newest is 1 C. eggbeaters with a tablespoon of french fried onions (yes, the kind you put on top of green bean cassarole) mixed in. this is only about 160 Calories, you can have coffee with it, which will add 2 mor calories (if you drink it black) or a cup of skim milk, which adds 90 mor calories. So at the most, it would be around 250 Calories. An you dont have to worry about standing around the stove wasting time to cook it in a ban, just put it in a bowl and toss it in the microwave for a couple minutes while you run and get dressed! Another favortie of mine is 1 toaster waffels (100 calories) with a half TBS peanutbutter (45 calories) and a class of skim milk (90 cal), this is also under 300 cals for breakfast. Again, quick and easy, pop it in the toaster, go get dressed, then its ready to go, slap on the PB and viola!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I buy fresh fruit, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, etc and freeze them. In the morning I take a cup of almond milk, throw in a banana, some of the frozen fruit and blend. Very filling and a good wake up drink. I also will have a egg with low fat pepper jack cheese on top of a healthy hearth low fat english muffin, also very filling, chia seeds and I am good to go.
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    I have Quaker Oats High Fiber Oatmeal in the morning and I either add (2) links of lowfat Turkey Sausage or 100 calorie pack of Walnuts and Almonds. The extra protein really keeps me full for a long time.
  • superlativesong
    I started buying Carnation instant breakfast powder packs. They taste just like chocolate milk and have tons of vitamins and minerals and are under 200 calories.