Hey Wagoneers
LOL Ok so with the holidays coming up and yep I said holidays I have my birthday next week, anniversary couple days after that and then two family members birthdays PLUS Vacation and July 4th picnic WHEW all within the next two weeks...how does one who is on the wagon stay ON the wagon??????? If I go off the wagon for a…
How long....
do you go before you get "back on the wagon" so to speak... 3 years ago due to an illness I lost 45 lbs in one month at that time i weighed over 170 lbs I actually had to start gaining weight because I was getting so weak so anywho after that I went three years before I started to gain any of that back I wasnt weighing or…
Where do you stand with your weight loss right now..
are you right on track? Behind? Ahead? I'm behind due to the fact that three times now I've lost and gained the same 5 lbs back but I'm moving forward ...............birthdays, summer cook outs and holidays are just around the corner so I gotta stay on top of this
Is it cheating if...
you squish food into a measuring cup to fit to get the amount? I know that makes no sense to you what I'm trying to say is let's say I wanted a serving of yams which is 2/3 cup. Okay looking at yams....looking at cup I'm only gonna be able to fit 1-2 at the most in that little cup so if I put some in there and mash them to…
Any 40 year olds out there?
Most my MFP pals are in there 20s to early 30s with more energy than I can even think of but thats ok they inspire me but I'd like to also find some more pals closer to my age I know some of ya dont wanna admit your age *sigh lol thats ok you can send me a friend request in private if ya like LOL THANKS!
Looking for friends with food diaries/recipes
so many of my friends don't make their diaries public or don't even fill them out I'm looking for some friends that have public diaries who are willing to share what they eat daily and maybe even some recipes as I will be sharing mine too I find this helps motivate me I hate getting stuck in the same rut of eating the same…
How do you control WEEKENDS?
im on the road quite a bit on the weekends and that means eating out :( I have no choice I'm with others and lot of time I dont get to choose where we eat. lot of times I have to eat at places that have nothing online to show calories etc so its hard I know what are better food choices are but sometimes I dont have…
Looking for Motivators
Hello, I just joined today, I think if I had some "online" support it would keep me motivated to stick to my goal and not give up so easily. I find my weaknesses are weekends due to the lifestyle I live, traveling requires eating out and I cant always find the best things to eat. I'll be an active member and help motivate…