Hi, i´m brazilian, from Rio de Janeiro. this is my actual data:
Yesterday was the hottest temperature recorded in Rio de Janeiro. The thermometers marked 43 degrees celcius, with a wind chill of 50 degrees. The gym was empty, almost impossible to do with bodybuilding that temperature.
Saturday I had to leave the diet side. It was our wedding anniversary and my wife and I celebrated the steakhouse. This week the diet is hard!
I´m on first week (end) and i will collapse.. i love food.. but i don´t can eat. :(
Hi, i´m brazilian, from Rio de Janeiro. I started my exercices walking (40 minutes), everý day. I want run on two weeks. i´m thirty pounds overweight. Is possible? i´m back play soccer on every Saturday!
Hi, My name is Erick, i´m from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil. I´m back to exercises and fitness, i want lost 15 kg.. Today 1.73m and 93kg.