Steakhouse... :(

Saturday I had to leave the diet side.
It was our wedding anniversary and my wife and I celebrated the steakhouse. This week the diet is hard!


  • 4mydogs
    4mydogs Posts: 66 Member
    I think that it's all about moderation. Enjoy your nice evening out, try to make good choices and then just move on to the next day. Once I gave my self the freedom to just let it go and move on I cannot tell you how much better I am doing with weight loss and feeling better. I used to beat myself up so badly with any "bad" meal I ate until I finally realized none of the people I know who are fit and healthy do that, they just move on to the next day, work out and eat healthy the majority of the time. It was a real revelation to me to stop letting food control how I feel about myself.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Saturday I had to leave the diet side.
    It was our wedding anniversary and my wife and I celebrated the steakhouse. This week the diet is hard!

    Why is this week's diet different than last week, no need to "make up for" your anniversary dinner, if you are, you're doing it wrong
  • firemanfive0
    firemanfive0 Posts: 228 Member
    congrats on your anniversary and hope you had a wonderful night out with your wife. But just get right back in the routine and stay on track. oh and Steakhouse should be :) ....IMO lol
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I think that you need to adjust your thinking to match your eating habits.

    If you are only considering this a diet, then where does life fit in when the diet is over?

    This should be a lifestyle adjustment, and in life, everything shoudl be able to fit - food wise.

    My husband and I went on a date night last night, we shared an appetizer platter (which was mostly deep fried treats), and then we ordered our entrees and each had a drink. I don't eat like that everyday - but, I made it work (shovelling snow on Saturday, and a 30 minute workout on the treadmill on Sunday) and I made sure to listen to my body - I was full so there was no need to eat the french fries, and I opened up the 2nd half of the wrap I ordered and just ate the grilled chicken caesar filling. I didn't feel deprived of anything, and I certainly had no guilt about enjoying a night out with my husband.

    Steakhouses, date nights, wine, beer and wings with the guys - they all have room!