This Saturday a good number of my boyfriend's family are coming over to see our apartment, and I was thinking that rather than the typical going out, I might try to make some healthy foods for everyone to pick at and then suggest we go out for a lighter dessert. As the most people I ever cook for is two (and is often…
So, sorry for the underwear pics, but to celebrate the winding down of my weight specific goals, I thought I would post my before and afters: And don't look now but I think my tummy is on the verge of being flat...ish. WHAT?!
So I've debated about posting this and giving this absolute nut bag any additional attention BUT I think it's more important for people to see just how easy it is to get carried away with weightloss and concepts of being thin:!/mrkennethtong This looney was a former Big Brother contestant (insert rant…
Hey all- I am addicted to Failblog and I saw this and wanted to share. Thank you all for reading. Now back to your regularly scheduled browsing. ~Gonk