meggonkgonk Member


  • I'd say first start with opening your diary - it's a bit hard to offer advice even with the context you've provided. But offhand it sounds like water retention from an intense workout regimen. Muscles retain water to heal and repair, so anything especially difficult can lead to temporary gains. Try a rest week, where you…
  • Cats react to negative tactile, auditory, and olfactory encouragement. Keep a spray bottle or small water gun handy for when he misbehaves right in front of you. Spray things he gets into regularly with hairspray or vinegar or else put soemthing tacky down (like a sheet of masking tape) where he'd have to walk to get to…
  • Dude, that's 14lbs in 17 weeks. That's what you are supposed to do. This is a totally reasonable pace. There's nothing wrong with your weightloss, just your expectations.
  • Just google Couch to 5k programs- there are a bunch of different ones. Essentially, you just do intervals for as long as you can, take a short walking break and repeat for 30 minutes, adding time to your running interval each day you go out.
  • Prioritize sleep and planning.
  • I'm personally a fan of any bodyweight strength training, especially for beginning. My favorite is Nerd Fitness (just google Nerd Fitness beginner and it should come right up!) In regards to 'dropping fat' don't worry too much about which exercises are best or will make you lose fastest, etc. Just try to keep a balanced…
  • Idk- I think it sounds funny, but it sure sounds more adult than "Miss." Miss makes me feel like I'm in high school.
  • You should check out Macy's for jeans- they have this great brand designed for curvy proportions. I can't for the life of me remember what the name of the brand was but when I have $$ to buy new jeans they are the ones I go for.
  • 5'3" 142 lbs 4 or 6 pants (depends on the line) 9.5 shoe
  • I'm 5'3" - I say just take it like 5lbs at a time when you get to the lower weights. I went down 5 at a time and just noted how I felt energy wise, and how I felt about how I looked. I got to 128 and when looked in the mirror, my rib was showing a little. I put on a few more pounds and decided I felt most comfy between 133…
  • You could just stop reading crap magazines. That entire line of 'advice' column is about making you feel like you like crap so you buy stuff to stop feeling like crap.
  • 2lbs a week is really only healthy when you have quite a lot to lose. Mentality is key. Why not resolve to sticking to your plans and goals, resolve to losing 1lb a week? See how you feel at the beginning summer and reassess your goals then. Better to get to the summer halfway to your ultimate goal than to give up after a…
  • Crumbs in the bed are just saving some for later. Very important.
  • Um, what? I mean this is really not a matter of "should" or "should not" -- it's really up to how you feel best.
  • Less about will power and more about planning. Plan ahead and work in eating things you love that are also healthy, and you'll find things a lot easier.
  • Thank God someone was studying this.
  • It's just a difference in the way MFP calculates your deficit from typical programs. A normal weightloss program will add your average daily burn and your exercise burned calories together and then subtract your deficit. I'm going to just use round numbers to make the math easy. So you burn 1800 calories just in your…
  • Ok the work thing maybe not, but lying about your kids is KIND of a big deal.
  • Yeah, I'd say your plateau is likely caused by not eating enough on a regular basis. I would slowly work your way up to eating close to goal maintenance + exercise calories and then drop your calorie goal to an MFP recommended deficit (so up to about 1600 calories + exercise, then drop to maybe 1300+exercise). I know it…
  • As most people have and will mention, this is a reasonable pace for weight loss. I will mention that that 1322 number should be your goal. Eat that AND what you burn from exercise. Explanations on the boards abound as to why you should do this (I recommend starting with the beginner threads noted on the forums' main page)…
  • As always, it's important to remember: Correlation =/= Causation
  • For reals, just relax. Freaking out, hating on yourself or trying to "make up for it" is just going to suck you into a cycle of binging and starving yourself and self hatred. Be calm. It was one day. Even with everything you ate yesterday, at the absolute maximum you could have gained in real weight is a pound. A singe…
  • I run 4-5 times a week with no problems and a lot of training programs have as many as 6 run days. My best advice for the days you add would be to make them different from the program days somehow. Change it up a bit. Because you won't progress through the program faster by just doing those runs closer together. I'd say do…
  • I don't think it much matters overall but I DO want to add a small anecdote: About two years ago I started 1/2 marathon training in January (outside) when I was still eating at a significant calorie deficit. I came in and hopped right in a very hot shower. I did end up passing out for about 30 seconds. Doctor's conclusion…
  • I like my caps lock button. Nom.
  • Losing weight requires you eat enough calories to fuel your basic functions. My suggestion is to eat to a calorie RANGE not to a single calorie goal. This can be almost endlessly specific to you, your body and your lifestyle but the quick and dirty way: Range high- Maintenance (+ Exercise calories) This can be found by…
  • I like the blog OhSheGlows. It's vegan, but I often add meat or use the non-vegan version of whatever she's cooking with and come up with some GREAT dinner/packable lunches. <-- I add 1lb of cubed chicken to this one. With the chicken its about 300 calories a HUGE serving.…
  • Very young women and teens with body image issues grow into "grown a$$ed women" with body image issues. You don't just check your baggage at the doors of adulthood. And I think the point is young women AREN'T taught that strong and fit are great. They are taught that if they don't look like those after pictures there's…
  • I am in a similar situation - I'm 5'3" and I'm currently floating around maintenance. I got as low as 128 though and could see a rib, so I put a little weight back on (and then too much around christmas- lol!). But I find 133-138 is my happy maintence zone.
  • This is one of those try it and see kind of things- it's really about how it makes you feel. The idea that eating before a workout will prevent your body from 'attacking the fat stores' is really not an accurate accounting of how your body fuels itself, so don't worry too much about eating preventing you from losing. Just…