Some chemistry and science on how we lose weight :) The Mathematics of Weight Loss
Interesting article claiming that today's body standards for men are equally as impossible and damaging as women's. Your thoughts? Male beauty standard Interesting quote:
Interesting...the panel of 20 health experts ranked the 35 most popular diets and paleo came in last. Thoughts? Link
Is this even possible without being in a coma?
I know there are plenty on here who could destroy of which is on my FL, but this is the best run of my life. Keep in mind that 2 years ago I couldn't run .25 miles without stopping (and at a slow pace at that). Also, it is 48 degrees and raining today with a 30 mph wind. Very tempted to just stay in and watch…
LOL, so exactly 2 weeks ago I posted the my story under: "I gave up on my goal"…a success story…no really (w/ pic) I had stayed at about the same weight for roughly 6 months (within a 3 or 4 lb window). At the time of the…
My Background I grew up a crazy skinny little kid. Sports was most of my life. When I wasn’t playing for a team I was playing with friends around the house. I lived about 3 miles outside my hometown and I would ride my bike back and forth, often a couple times a day. I could sit down and eat an entire large pizza and I…